Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


It was Saturday, and it was the only day I could sleep until lunch. But today, mom got me up early, since we had guests tonight and I had to help her prepare everything. Even though we had plenty of money and quite the big apartment in Vancouver, we did not have housekeeping because we wanted to live as normal as possible. Thus, we were always cooking ourselves, and I happened to be loving to bake cakes and tarts. "Could you make dessert? Claire and Dan are grabbing my the ingredients for tomato soup and salmon wraps for entrée, and your father is making his famous mashed potatoes with broccoli and steak, so we were thinking something tart or cake?" she asked and I smiled. "Raspberry tarts?" I ask and I see her smile light up as I suggest it. "That is brilliant Nora." Dad says and I smile. I grab the ingredients for the tart and start to make the tart. Mom puts on some music and soon we are singing songs and cooking. Claire is setting the table as Dan is helping me with the tarts.

Around 6pm, the doorbell goes as I finish putting the last tarts on the countertop to cool down before dinner. Mom opens and I suddenly hear a scream from Claire. "That's Lana Parrilla mom!" She exclaims and I roll my eyes. "Who?" I ask her and she looks at me with an are-you-kidding-me look in her eyes. "No seriously, is she famous?" I ask and Dan stands next to me. "She plays the Evil Queen in Claire's favourite series." He tells me and I nod. "Oh the guy Max still thinks is my mom?" I ask and he nods. I shrug and run upstairs to change into my black top and red checkered button up and some comfy jeans and walk downstairs again. I look at the lady with almost black hair and the man next to her. "Hey, weren't you at my showcase last week?" I ask suddenly and the lady sits up and nods. "Yeah that was me." She says and walks up to me and gives me a hug. I stand there confused. "I am Lana." She says and I nod. "Eleonora." I say and she smiles. Meanwhile I heard Claire going nuts next to me. "She was at the showcase?" she asks me and I nod. "She sat next to mom and dad. I saw her during Perfect." I say and Claire looks at me. "You should tell me next time." She says and I roll my eyes. As dad enters the room with mom with the tomato soup and salmon wraps, we all sit at the dinner table and a comfortable banter starts.

It is not until the main course, the masked potatoes with broccoli and medium-rare steak, that Lana and the guy next to her, whose name is Fred, start to get nervous, together with mom and dad. "Okay spill." I say and the adults look at me in shock. "Come on guys, it is obvious that you are nervous, I was almost gonna ask." Claire says from next to me and I smile. "Well, this is a conversation best held after dinner." Lana and Mom say together and I now start to frown. "Why do I have a feeling that this is not good?" I whisper to Dan, who is on my left and he nods. "Same goes for me. What if Max is right?" He whispers back and I look at him. "Then I run away." I whisper back in a serious tone and he nods. "I'll join." He murmurs. "What are you talking about?" Dad asks and I look at him. "About how well done this dinner is so far." I say with a sugary sweet smile and I see some kind of pain in Lana's eyes as I say that. Dad just smiles and we eat further. Soon it is time for dessert and I get up to collect it, and Dan comes with me. I stop him before he grabs the small plates and look at him. "After dinner, go to my room, grab my black laptop bag and put the small piggybank in, some clothes and my leather jacket and put it at the shoe rack. For whatever reason this Lana is here, I have a feeling it isn't good for me." I say and he nods, and smiles. "I'll even put in the emergency burner phone and my number." He says and I give him a hug. We walk back with the tarts and Lana looks at them. "They look great." I hear her say and I manage to murmur a polite 'Thank you' before I sat down and we ate it. After two bites she starts to smile. "Who made this?" she asks surprised and I look up. "I made them Mrs Parrilla." I say and she looks at me. "You are a great cook." She compliments me and I blush a little. After dinner, I get up to help Dan and Claire bring the dirty plates to the kitchen, when dad stops me. "Stay?" He asks and I nod as I sit down. They wait for Dan and Claire to clear the table and Dan immediately runs to my room, to pack my bag. I sit and look at the 4 adults in front of me. Dad closes the door and I follow him through the room. "Remember that we promised to find your maternal parents?" Mom asks and I turn my gaze to her. "Yeah I remember, and I hope you also remember that I didn't want you to because I was more than content here." I say and I see Lana look away, but I keep my eyes focussed on mom. "Well, we found her anyways. We wanted you to get to know your mother." She says and I look at her. "I know the ONE mother in my life who matters, and that is the one that raised me. The other one put me on the world and when I was a few minutes old, she abandoned me, and if you weren't there, I would've grown up in some shitty foster system." I say and I see tears streaming down Lana's face and then my brain connects the dots. "You were invited last week. You never came here coincidentally. You are the woman who put me on this shitty world?" I ask angry and she nods. "I hate you, and you to Theo and Emma." I say, for the first time saying their names and running out of the room, grabbing the backpack and jumping in my boots, running away from home. I grab my car and drive away.

I find myself hours later at a small town named Eastgate. I find a parking spot and get in the back of my Dark blue Toyota. I go through my back and grab the burner phone and dial Dan. "With Dan Jackson." He picks up and I smile. "Dan, it's me." I say and I hear him call Claire. "Are you okay?" he asks and I nod. "I am okay, I drove a few hours, just got to a small town no one probably knows me. How are things there?" I ask and I hear Claire enter. "They are pretty bad. Lana and mom are crying while Dad and Fred are searching Vancouver for you." He says and suddenly I hear the phone being yanked away and I hear Claire's panicking voice. "Tell me you are okay?" She begs me and I smile. "I am okay Claire. I'll be back soon." I say and I hear her letting out a breath of relieve. "You had us scared." She says and I laugh. "Well, I was scared too. I just couldn't believe Emma and Theo went against my wish and find my real mother, and it just all hit way too hard." I say and I hear her laugh. "We know, but we want you to know, you are still our sister." She says and I smile. "And you are my siblings too." I say and she smiles. "Well, I'll see you later?" She asks and I nod. "I'll be back in a few days." I say and she wishes me goodnight before closing the call. I lay down on the seats and put on my jacket, before falling asleep.

The next morning I am woken up by voices. "Her car tracker leads us here." I hear dad say and I look out through my tinted windows, to see the two man walking on the busy parking lot, about three cars away from me. "Don't you think we should let her calm down and let her return to us on her own? I mean she had quite the shock yesterday." Fred tells dad and he looks at dad. Dad seems to think and then nodded. "If she goes over the border or the signal disappears, we will go after her to the place where she was last seen." Dad says and they leave. I see them leave and call Dan again. "Mhh whats up sis?" I hear his sleepy voice and I laugh. "I woke you?" I ask and he humms. "I need you to help me. Can you tell me where dad place the tracker in my car?" I ask and I hear rustling in the background. "Have you tried all spaces, compacts and stuff?" He asks and I smile. "Of course he would put it at an easy to find place." I say as I check my portal and there I find it. I close the call and grab the duct tape in my car and go to the car next to me, taping it underneath the car, before getting back in the car and starting it. I drive away, but this time, I am going to make a little sidetrip.

About two hours later I pull up outside of Max's summer home and find him there with Jace. "Your parents are worried." He says and I nod. "I know, and I'll be heading home, but I need you to take this bag to your place. I'm going to move out." I say and they nod. "What happened?" Jace asks and I look at him. "Max was right about Lana. She is my mother." I say and they look at me in shock. "Oh my." Jace says as he pulls me into a tight hug. "You know what? There is a party next Saturday at Stacy's. Shall I try to get you the gig as performer there?" Max asks and I nod. "That would be lovely." I say and Sam smiles. "I'll be at your place before dinner." I say and Max nods as I get back I the car and drive into the city.

I park my car out of the garage and walk up, ringing at the door. In my rush I forgot my keys last night. Mom opens and I see the relief flooding her face. "Lana, call Theo and Fred, she is here." She yells before pulling me in her arms and hugging me. "We were so worried." She says and I look at her. "That may be, but I am moving out." I say as I push past them and go up to my room, grabbing my clothes and putting them in my suitcase, grabbing my Violin and putting it in its cover and then at last, I grab my laptop and mouse, putting it in their sleeve. I walk down to the car and see Dad and Fred rushing my way. "Don't leave." Dad pleads and I look at them. "Why wouldn't I? You lied to me, you went against my wishes, and now I am forced to talk to this woman who this she even remotely has a right to talk to me after she abandoned me over 18 years ago. I'll talk to you when I feel ready to forgive you." I spit at him and put my stuff in the back of my car and leave to Max's place.

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