Scorch chapter 3

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Hi hi you guys! How's everyone been so far? I know I'm doing well!

So this is now the third chapter for you guys and I hope you're enjoying the hell out of yourselves! Hope the pace of the story is alright too!

xx xx xx

"Who are you?" she asked me in the cutest voice ever. She can't be older than what, five?


That's when the pieces fell into place and I groaned in my head, letting my surprise show on my face. I heard heavier footsteps and suddenly I was looking into the eyes of my mother. She saw me and stopped in an equal amount of surprise.

Not even taking her eyes off of me, she started talking to someone who I think is my sister. It's only logical seeing as I left five years ago. Maybe my mother had just found out that she was going to have her when I left.

"Daisy, what have I told you about opening the door to strangers?"

If there's one thing I've learnt, is that if someone says hurtful words at you, it will never hurt, but if those spiteful words are on the tongue of your mother's, you would be better off stabbing yourself because it would hurt less. My own mother had just called me a stranger. Oh well, I guess I had that one coming.

"Sorry mummy, I thought it was daddy!" Daisy, my little sister, then started giggling before running back to go and do whatever she was doing. My mum then leaned in the doorway with her arms crossed, looking over at me very lazily.

"What, no bag? Don't tell me this is just a friendly visit after five years of not even calling us." I scratched the back of my head looking down at the ground. What the hell was I supposed to say, just drop the bomb on them that I came back to live with them?

"I guess I should have seen this happening from a mile away. Whatever you do to your parents, your children will do to you. Should have taken that advice." Clearly she did something to my grandparents that she was in no mood to elaborate on.

I stood there looking at her while she looked back at me. I didn’t get my looks from my mum or my dad. Apprently I looked a lot like my grandma from my mum’s side, and she was known as a really pretty woman. Not that looks are important. I never did those kind of missions.

I then had the sudden urge to be a kid again. To be in my mother's arms and smell her scent. I don’t know why this sensation was overwhelming me now. I must have never realised that I was actually homesick this whole time.

"Mum, am I allowed to hug you?" She smiled before holding out her arms to me. I fell into her arms easily as they tightened around me, holding me in her motherly embrace. I inhaled deeply and exhaled equally as deep. I was home.

"Oh I can never stay mad at you honey! Look at you, you've grown! Can you believe it's been five years! Did you see your little sister? Found out I was pregnant with her a week after you left! Come in!"

I wanted to cry, but no tears were gathering. This was the side of my mum I hoped to encounter and I did. She still loved me.

"So how long are you visiting for?"

I took in a deep breath, knowing she might flip out as soon as I say what I'm going to say to her now.

"I'm planning on living here...To finish my education."

She pulled back to look up at my face and my heart was beating erratically. She wasn't going to let me in was she? She probably had a grudge on me for leaving no matter how much she said she can't stay mad at me.

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