Scorch chapter 5

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Hi hi you guys!

How is everyone this fine day? Honestly, I've never really updated this quick before, I usually try to leave it for a while but I wanna let you guys read it!

Anyway, so far we know that Scorch has made a deal with Johnny and now Lacey is also an agent. Onto the next!

xx xx xx

I'm pretty sure that making a deal with the devil would have been the best thing to do, rather than making a deal with Johnny. I had already come to regret my decision.

Because I didn't join school on a Monday, but rather on a Thursday, it meant that it was already Saturday. Usually I would have tried to spend my day in bed, only waking up at 5pm to have breakfast, but no. Lacey and Johnny had taken me to their agency.

Not funny.

We strolled right into the building and many people were grinning at him or trying to start a conversation with him. Clearly he was loved. I just stood behind him and Lacey, yet somehow I wasn’t even spared a second glance. Maybe they didn’t care.

Well that's what I thought until someone decided to speak up.

"Can't believe you had the audacity to bring in an enemy. The fact that you even have her as a 'friend' disgusts me even more." I saw a pair of pale blue eyes staring at me, his facial expression was that of extreme anger. He was at least just one inch shorter than Johnny and Lacey laughed awkwardly, trying to make the situation less awkward. Yeah, that's so working right now. Not.

"Shut your face Leopard, I got my reasons. Now I need to go and speak with the Director."

We started walking forward when Leopard's arm stuck out in front of me, restraining me from moving forward. I heard Johnny sigh angrily as though he didn’t have time for this, and Lacey went on ahead to tell their Director of my arrival.

"Serrose is not going anyway near the Director," he spat at Johnny. Then he turned to look at me. "Now you listen here, I don’t what you've done to Blaze, but it clearly isn't working on me. Why don't you go and find another innocent agency to destroy, huh?"

I looked down at his arm that was blocking me and I pushed it away slowly. "You know what? You’re so right, I should call off this whole juju act that I've got on him right?"

I saw him raise up his eyebrows in confusion and I smirked. "Oh you know, black magic and all." I could see it in face that he knew that that sounded like utter nonsense.

"Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? Well so does your stupid idea of him being under some sort of spell. Agent Blaze is offering his help for me and God knows why because I sure as he don't want his help! So before I snap your arm, you will never accuse me of something that can't happen, got it, Agent Leopard?"

He frowned but nodded nodded his head as he took a step back. I looked up at Johnny and he was trying his best not to laugh. I punched his arm and started making my way to the important person's office. That is, until I remembered something.

"Oh yeah, and that's Agent Scorch to you." I heard his little gulp and that was enough for me to smirk and leave him standing there in his own shock.

I then looked over at Johnny. "Why do you guys all call me Serrose? That was from my first mission."

"Because no one knows that you're Scorch. Your face was always hidden and we didn't know you changed your name to Scorch. You got better than we knew you from the first mission. Well seeing as that's over, it's time for you to meet the woman in charge. This way the whole agency will be able to help you with no more confrontations like that."

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