Scorch chapter 7

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Hi hi guys!

How is everyone this fine day? Me, I'm fine! Yet another chapter is out today my loveable honey bunches! I'm in a way too excited mood!

As I said in the last chapter, this chapter starts in Russia! From now on, the actual real story starts develop and don't you worry, it'll be more interesting when I need it to be lol.

Anyway, I'll just leave you all now so that you can read in peace!

xx xx xx

"So let me get this straight. What you're trying to say is that you saw me here before?"

The three men nodded their heads as Johnny, Gizmo, Lacey and I looked at each other. The men had their weapons close to their bodies, their eyes watching my every move as though I were about to lash out and kill them or something.

"But she's been here the whole time!"

"What about before? This isn't first time she come here." I glanced about the place. It looked like a fight had gone on around here too. Lacey was looking around the place as she went up to one of the walls and wiped off the soot. She sniffed it before rubbing her fingers together.

"These marks have been here for about...hmm three months? Am I correct?" She saw the men nod and she gave them a smug look while I was just impressed. That was a pretty cool skill.

"Okay, and where were you three months ago Scorch?" Lacey turned to me and suddenly everyone's eyes were on me. I knew where I was.

"I had to renew my certificate meaning I was training with the army."

One of the men shook his head, his facial expression cold and hard. Clearly he didn’t believe me.

"How we know she no lie?"

Lacey snapped her fingers and Gizmo brought out his laptop while Johnny just stood there looking around. I was beginning to wonder who ran this team.

"You see, my good friend Gizmo here has been kind as to get footage from three months ago at the army barracks."

I raised an eyebrow. He managed to get the tape? How did he even know that I was at the barracks?! These people are really good, it's making me rethink my position as a good spy. AND he did it in the space of two days!

Everyone watched the tape and lo and behold, there I was, training for my life. The men started speaking in Russian as they mumbled. Clearly they must have been confused. They finally looked back up at us.

"We see. Do you have erm...How to say it...double you?"

"You mean a twin?" Gizmo raised his eyebrows at them and they nodded, their eyes lighting up.

"Yes, twin! They look exactly like you! You have twin?"

I frowned and shook my head. "No, I don't..." Unless that was another secret that my family have been hiding from me. I turned to see Johnny watching the other video intently.

"If you don't have twin, who was that?"

"A clone."

Johnny's voice was cold and null of any emotion. We all looked at him, eyes wide. He stepped forward to us, talking for the first time for a while. Even I couldn’t believe that this was him.

"Clones? But I thought that case was closed," whispered Lacey. I turned my head sharply to look at her. There was a chill in the room before a hazel eye glared into mine. I flinched unconsciously and I felt like shrinking back. I had only started speaking to Johnny last week and I know he has never been this angry.

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