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The following day, Endou had dashed towards the clubhouse the moment the last bell rang — already decked out in his signature soccer uniform — nearly stumbling as he ran to the direction of said club room. Along the way, he spotted Felisa walking alongside Gouenji, probably because they had a class together before the final bell rang.

"Gouenji, Shirayuki-san!" Endou yelled to the two, his arm waving in the air for them to notice him. Both students turned around, and waved back at Endou. Said soccer Captain ran towards them, as they had stopped their trek to wait for him to catch up.

"Let's head to the club room together!" Endou suggested in his usual chipper mood, his grin once again appearing on his face. The two nodded in reply, and started walking together. A sudden thought pressed in the mind of Felisa as they passed the girl's restroom, making her halt a bit. The other two stopped walking as well, staring at Felisa.

"What's the matter, Shirayuki-san?" Gouenji inquired a bit worriedly, earning a slight shake of her head from the girl.

"No, no. It's nothing. Is it all right if I head for the girl's restroom first? I need to change out of this uniform with a more appropriate attire." Felisa suggested a bit meekly, making the two boys before her look at each other, before looking back at her, and nodding.

"Sure. We'll wait for you then!" Endou offered, to which Felisa nodded gratefully, before entering the girl's restroom. Before she went inside, however, she turned to give a soft smile at the two, making both boys cheeks tint a light pink, but it went unnoticed.

"Thanks. I'll be out in a jiffy." Felisa sent a wink at the two, before heading in completely, leaving the two to wait outside for her.

A few minutes passed by, and Felisa walked out of the restroom, wearing a pair of red sweatpants, a white shirt beneath her red and white sweat jacket, and a pair of white sneakers. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail, her fringes framing her face nicely, as she adjusted her bag on her shoulder.

She smiled at the two, and said, "I'm done. Let's get going. The others might be waiting for us.", making the two nod towards her. They walked together, Felisa not noticing that she was walking in between the two as they walked.

The moment they entered the club room, Endou had asked his teammates to huddle around him, bringing all of their club room's stuff to barricade themselves, whispering what he was told by Rairaiken's owner.

"A secret manual?!"

"Shh! Yeah. The old man said that Jii-chan's secret manual is hidden in this school." Endou whispered, his words rushed from the excitement of finding that notebook.

"Demo, how does the Rairaiken owner know about it?" Kabeyama inquired to their Captain, is words in a hushed tone. Felisa sat on top of the stack of tires next to Gouenji, arms crossed in front of her chest.

'If only you boys knew, you wouldn't question his knowledge at all.' Felisa mused in her head, inspecting her nails with unfocused eyes. There was a moment of silence, everyone waited for Endou's response.

"No idea..." Was Endou's reply, earning groans from their small group of players. "But hey, don't worry about the small details! In any case, if we were to find that secret manual, it'll be in..."


Endou had dragged the group to the one place that seemed to be the best place to hide a secret technique manual; the Chairman's Office. Felisa had lagged behind the group, her arms behind her back as she leisurely strolled behind them at a calm pace. Gouenji had stayed behind, saying that he will be the one to fix the stuff Endou and the others had moved to barricade themselves. Felisa had offered to lend a helping hand, but the platinum blond male kindly declined the offer, saying that she should just keep an eye on Endou and the rest. As hesitant as she was, she gave in to the request, and joined the rest to their trek to the Chairman's Office.

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