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It was near eleven in the evening in Inazuma Town, and all houses were shut, for the night of sleep has come. Lights were out, doors were shut and locked, and people were sound asleep, as the night blew a silent breeze. However, one particular house had a soft glow behind one of the windows. Inside the house, sat a lone figure in the living room, the sound of the tv blaring. The lights were closed, and the room was filled with darkness. The only source of light came from the soft glow of the tv, as the figure gently took the small cup of Earl Gray from the coffee table. The tv flashed, as the figure sipped their cup, humming in satisfaction.

A whistle, then a boom!

"At last, this season has come to Japan!" The voice of a male ripped through the silent room, as the tv flashed yet again. "Hotter than the summer's heat, it'll decide who among our nation's junior high schools will be the number one soccer team in Japan! The Football Frontier's season is here!"

The figure gently placed down their cup, as they watched the tv with a calculating gaze. The day of the Football Frontier's preliminary rounds will be decided tonight. Cheers of the crowd in the tv was heard, as the figure continued to watch silently.

"Which team will reach the top of the nation?! But before that, they'll have to go through one obstacle! That's right, it's to win the preliminary matches! And through the preliminary matches, only two out of fourteen teams will face each other in the finals!" As the man on the tv exclaimed this, the figure propped the elbows of their slender arms on their legs, and intertwined their fingers together, their chin placed on top of them. "And now, the match-up of our first preliminary draw is..."

The figure leaned in slightly, as they watched two of the multiple floating colored balls roll down the tubes, and into the two bunny women's pink top hats. The first of the women raised one of the colored balls, and revealed a face of a hairy man engraved on it.

"The aggressive Nosei Junior High! Their opponent is..." The other of the bunny women raised their ball, and revealed a man with glasses with an odd hairstyle in it. "My word, it's Raimon Junior High, whose visibly rapid progress has given them some fame among the competition!"

The figure's eyes narrowed, as they watched the reaction of the glasses wearing man in the tv. The man seemed surprised, and not happy about the complement his team was given, instead, he seemed agitated. The figure's lips formed a frown, as they continued to listen intently.

"The first preliminary match is going to be interesting! Now, what combination will it be for the next battle?" By the end of the man's statement, the tv's volume was on mute, engulfing the room in complete silence. A figure besides the doorway of the living room was outlined, as eyes as bright as the sun gleamed and cut through the thin layer of darkness.

"Raimon seems to be an interesting bunch, huh? Are you going?" The voice of a male cut through the air, coming from the newcomer. The newcomers voice was velvety, yet held an underlying mischief to it. The figure stood up from their seat on the couch, and gently took their empty cup of tea. The figure's eyes glowed a vivid color of red, as they walked towards the male newcomer.

"We've discussed this already, fratello*. I'm going to attend school there, whether you like it or not." The voice of a female answered, as the figure walked passed the male, and into the kitchen. Placing the cup in the sink, the female washed, before placing it in the dryer. The male hummed quietly, while slightly nodding his head.

"Whatever you say, sorellina*. Just a fair warning; their Ace Striker may know who you are, and may want you to join their team instead of spectate. What will you do by then?" The male questioned, as the female started walking back to the living room.

"We will just have to wait, and see then, no?" The female hummed, as she took the remote from the male's hand, and switched the tv off, engulfing the room in pure darkness. A soft chuckle resonated around the silent room, followed by a whisper;

"Questo dovrebbe essere un'esperienza ricca di eventi, no? Che emozione.*"


Sorellina - little sister
Fratello - brother
Questo dovrebbe essere un'esperienza ricca di eventi, no? Che emozione. - This should be an eventful experience, no? How exciting.

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