.: Kick 07 :.

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A/N: Thanks for the 275 reads and 23 votes, min'na-san! Your support for this fanfic is much appreciated! Thank you all for giving this story a chance! I, Ai-chan, present to you all chapter 07! Enjoy! (o^^o)

– Ai-chan

By the time Felisa arrived at the Riverbank the following day, the boys had already started training to level themselves up for their upcoming match with Nosei Junior High. Adjusting her bag slightly, she calmly walked down the stone steps, all the while watching the teams training. Their training varied from dribbling to blocking opponents to blocking shots. They were dead serious on winning this match, that much can be shown clearly in broad daylight. Upon reaching the bench the two managers sat, Felisa placed her bag on an empty spot, standing to watch their training. That's when Aki and Haruna noticed her presence.

"Oh! Ohayō, Shirayuki-san!" Aki and Haruna greeted cheerfully from where they sat, and said redhead nodded at them in greeting.

"Ohayō, Kino-san, Haruna-san." Came their fellow female's soft reply, before watching the boys train, catching the sight of Someoka kicking the ball, slight wind currents lashing about by the sheer force of the said boy's kick. Felisa smiled at the sight of the boys giving it their all on training themselves that it made her blood rise just for her to kick the ball once more. She mentally shook the thought away.

"Oho~! Everyone's getting pumped!" A voice sounded, making all three girls look towards the source of the voice; Domon. The said boys was walking towards them, hands behind his head, watching his teammates practice vigorously, before stopping to stand behind the bench where the two managers sat, and besides the currently standing redhead.

"Domon-kun, what about your training?" Aki inquired her childhood friend. Felisa nodded her head.

"The match with Nosei is just a few days away. Will you not be training for it, Domon-san?" Felisa inquired politely, awaiting for the tall teen's reply on the matter. Domon merely smiled at them, continuing to let his arms cushion his head from behind.

"Well, as a newcomer, there's no possibility that I'll debut. So I'm taking my time." Domon stated as if it were obvious, his tone as carefree as can be.

"Domon-kun..." Aki gave the boy an awkward close eyed smile, while Felisa blinked at him owlishly, before a dribble of sweat slid down her cheek.

"Yare yare... You are quite laid back, Domon-san." Felisa sighed in slight exasperation, her attention quickly going back to the boys soon after. However, the redhead had failed to notice the stare the taller male was giving her, almost as though he knew something the others don't. Which, in actual fact, is true.

On the bridge next to the Riverbank, a black car was parked on the bridge, a window on the side rolled down for whoever was inside to watch Raimon's Soccer club train. Natsumi watched with a calculating gaze, watching over the soccer club's training from above, her lips pressed in a line.

"All right, guys! Let's move!" The excited bellow of the club's captain was heard from where she is, her mind wondering of how much louder the chocolate brown haired boy could get. She watched the players try to steal the ball from one another, her mind not processing what is so special about the sport.

"I don't understand why they can be so passionate about kicking balls around. A bunch of fools." Natsumi muttered under her breath, her eyes never leaving the boys' training. Especially from a certain soccer freak.

"Shall I move on?" Her driver inquired from the driver's seat, asking permission to head out.

Without tearing her gaze away, Natsumi answered to her chauffeur, "Wait a little while more.", gazing at the smiling face of Endou. She stared at them with an unwavering gaze, not one shed of emotion crossing her facial features.

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