.: Kick 05 :.

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First author's note, and I'm so ecstatic! 160 views already?! This is not even THAT good. Unlike the works of one of my best friends, Gothic_Reader . Read her works if you're a fellow Filipino! You'll love her plot twists. And you might murder her for them too XD. Enjoy this new update~!!!

– Ai-chan

Endou had informed the group that they should train on their usual spot on the soccer field next to the Inazuma Bridge, but Felisa suggested that they should practice where their training wouldn't be seen by their opponents. Endou had agreed to the idea, so they headed towards where the Steel Tower Plaza was, and stayed on the side where the trees could act as their camouflage. As the group trudge their way to their training ground, Felisa and Gouenji had lagged behind the group to discuss their thoughts on how the Inazuma Otoshi should be performed, surprisingly being able to solve it easily with two heads thinking instead of just one.

Everyone went on a straight line, Felisa standing next to a tree to watch the boys practice, messing around with her black cellphone. Someoka had tied a rope around one of the tree branches she was leaning on, tying the other end to a tire that had a small futon stuffed in its gap. Someoka stood on top of the small hill to get a higher view of his teammates, his hands gripping the rubber material of the heavy tire.

"Today's main event is this! It's special training that'll teach you how to block the opponent's techniques." Just as Someoka finished, all the boys moved away comically, leaving poor Shishido to stand alone. When he noticed no one was next to him, he pointed to himself questionably, staring at Someoka oddly. Someoka reeled the tire back, before pushing it towards Shishido. "Here I go!"

"Eh?! Me?!" Shishido exclaimed as the fast approaching projectile came towards him at an alarming speed. The tire spun around suddenly, doubling the speed of its decent to its poor victim. "I can't do it this right off the bat!"

Before he could get out of the way, however, the fast approaching tire collided with his body, making his body jerk up at the sheer force of it. Shishido ended up practically flying away in a comical manner, screaming loudly at the top of his lungs. Felisa grimaced at the sight, but knew that training such as those were essential to getting stronger, so she didn't stop them. She walked towards Gouenji as he watched Shishido fly over trees, and tugged on his shirt slightly, gaining his attention. Motioning her head to Endou, both she and Gouenji walked up to said soccer Captain, as he watched their practice.

"That's nice, special training, that is." Endou commented, not minding the comical screams of Shishido's flying figure.

"Endou, do you have a moment?" Gouenji asked the chocolate brown haired boy, gaining the chipper Captain's attention. Felisa stood by his side, nodding at Endou slightly.

"We might have a lead on how to initiate that move Daisuke-san stated in the secret manual." Felisa added in, not minding the scream of terror Kurimatsu let out as he practically flew through the air.


All three crouched down on the sand, Gouenji holding a stick he grabbed from the ground besides him, using the tip to act as a pencil as he drew on the ground.

"We may think this is how the technique is supposed to work. Since the word "Boing" was stated in the notebook, that lead Gouenji and I to believe that it indicates a spring; therefore someone jumping. That's the first act." Felisa stated, as Gouenji drew on the ground of a line going straight, before doing an arc, and going straight once again.

"Another person uses the first person as a stepping stone, allowing him to jump even higher." Gouenji drew another line from the first, doing an arc, and then going back up. He stopped the line, making a spiral going downward. "After he reaches a decent height, he uses an overhead kick."

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