Chapter Nine | Six years

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Chapter Nine: Six years

Chapter Nine: Six years

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Amelia's pov

"I hate everything is going. Ever since she came into this town, everything is different. You know that Jug, don't try to argue with me." I lied my eyes on Jughead, waiting for him to say something.

"You've been saying the word hate a lot Ame, are you even sure what you are feeling anymore?" The two of us made it down the hall of the school, noisy kids surrounding us.

"I know how I'm feeling Juggie, I know exactly how I'm feeling. And I'm feeling like I wanna–"

"Stop," he put his hand up so I couldn't walk anymore, "you know what I think you hate? You hate how Veronica was the one who got to kiss her and not you, you hate her because if you did something like what she did with Archie, Betty would never forgive you straight away, and you hate how you are jealous, even if Betty isn't yours." His eyebrows raised, his lips went up a bit and be held his head high.

"That's not–"

"Amelia, save it. For once in your life admit something, you love Betty, and you have for six years. That's a long time. Time makes people go crazy, love makes people do crazy things. I mean, look at yourself, look at what you have done to yourself," he ripped my arm away from me and rolled my dark red sweater up, revealing five lines in an order, "I'm more surprised you haven't added that last one, the sixth line. But you loving her, it's led you to doing this, if she finds out that you've done this she'll be angry, more angry than right now. So pull your head out of ass, Ame, and tell her how you feel. Whether or not she likes you back, you can get over the things you've said and done. And talk to Veronica, you don't hate her, you hate that she figured out Betty before you." With that he walked away, putting on his headphones and heading to class. He left me there, shocked more than anything.


Before our conversation about Veronica and Betty earlier, Jughead told me that they were going to start writing for the blue and gold, our schools newspaper. I thought about what he said, about how told me I was jealous of Veronica. Maybe he was right, maybe I hated how she kissed Betty, but I never could kiss her.

After looking around for a little while I found Betty in an old room the school doesn't use anymore.

"Hey," I walked in, Betty let her eyes fall to the ground, her fingers played with the hem on her shirt.

"Betty, I-I'm," sighing, I leaned against a table, "I didn't mean those things I said last night. Your my best friend, I hate–" stopping myself I thought about what I was saying, "I don't like when you get hurt, when someone does something to you, but last night...last night it was me. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry." She stayed quiet, looking up only a tiny bit.

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