Chapter Five | He hurt you

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Chapter Five: He hurt you

Chapter Five: He hurt you

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Amelia's pov

"Went to a dance with my best friends. Joined and got into the vixens. Now I'm attending one of Cheryl Blossoms after party's? I think we've switched universes. In the real one Veronica is supposed to be in New York still. Betty and Archie will and would be fine, and you and I would be sitting at twilight right now, fighting over who ate more popcorn and gummy worms." We stood in the middle of Cheryl's house, exhausted people and many very energized people wondered, danced and...well did other things around Jughead and I. I never pictured in my 17 years of being alive that I would be in her house, let alone invited. I pictured more cobwebs and darker walls then this...even a coffin for her dead soul to rest in.

"As much as that universe would somewhat be Universes didn't switch, you and I. Amelia Johnson and Jughead Jones are in Cheryl Blossoms house. And Archie and Betty but they already left us."

"Well I'm finding them, either come with me or go."  I assumed he went his own way after not hearing his footsteps. Finding them was hard but easy at the same time, scoping out Cheryl would help considering I knew she'd be with the three. You don't just invite people like us.

"Hey." I finally found them, Archie was standing off to the side, Betty, Veronica and others all sitting on h couch, Cheryl across from me.

"Sorry Amelia, I'd love to let you join, but we all no it's not your thing." Cheryl pointed to the closet that many people have heard about, and frankly, I wouldn't even join if I was 'into it'.

"Trust me, wouldn't join anyways." I mumbled, rolling my eyes. Archie stood there almost awkwardly as he looked back at Betty, her blonde, curled locks on her chest.

Cheryl said something and spun the bottle, whoever it landed on would go into the closet with Archie, most girls dream since he's came back from his dad's job.

"Oh no." I breathed out and leaned against the couch, hovering behind Betty and Veronica, staring at the bottle.

"It's more on Veronica. I guess she's the lucky one." Cheryl took the bottle, Veronica standing up and looking at Betty before Cheryl basically dragged her into the closest.

"I'm sorry Betty." I whispered over to her, watching the two go into the closet together.


"Let me go!" My arm was in Jughead's tight grasp, pulling me towards him instead of the door.

After Ronnie and Archie stayed in the closest a while and Jughead pulled me away, Betty left. Crying.

"Let me go after her Jug." He glared at me and pulled my arm. He's done this many times now. I narrowed my hazel orbs at him, a glint of light bouncing off his own. Pleading with my eyes he only looked away, glancing at things in the room. It was loud, people were obnoxious and there was a very strong smell of alcohol.

"In five minutes." He told me, his grip tighter now. I could feel a bruise forming from it on my upper arm. I groaned and looked behind me, Cheryl was talking to some people and Veronica wasn't too far behind her.

"Hey," I tried whispering, only to remember I was in a large party and no one would hear me with the volume of my voice, "Cheryl."

She turned, her red locks flinging with her head and an annoyed look planted itself onto her face. I'd like to plant my
fist onto her face.

She crossed her arms over her chest, looking between Jug and I. Never thought I would say this.

"Help me." I cringed at my own words, seeing Jughead behind me still not looking our way. She smirked and uncrossed her arms. Fuck.

"I will...but at a cost." Of course. Of fucking course. Cheryl is an ass that can't help anyone without anything in return.

I hesitated but nodded my head.

"Jughead, could you come help me with something?" Cheryl put on a fake smile, acting sweet to him.

"Um..." He looked at her, pure shock engulfed him. Me too Juggie, me too.

"Kay."  Cheryl took him around the corner, through all the bodies that blocked any path to get anywhere.

I let a sigh out, exiting the building and feeling a cool rush of air blow smoothly over my bare arms and legs. A shiver escaping my body.

Without another thought I was on my way to Betty's house, dragging my sneakers along the concrete ground, skipping over the lines. Betty and Archie would've never worked, it's kind of a given. They were too close, too close to date and if everything went wrong they wouldn't be the same again.

I guess it's no different than if I would date Betty, I guess there's no difference at all. Mentally sighing is becoming a routine for me.

After the ten minute walk from Cheryl's house to Betty's the streets stayed silent, no person moved, no dog barked and no lights stayed on in any house.

Betty's house was large with Windows on the front that surely would've had light lightning them up if it wasn't for the late hour it was.

The beautiful blonde must be up in her bedroom, her parents sleeping in the room down the hall. No sound came from the house, no sound except for the very faint crying. I could just picture the tears rolling down her soft cheeks.

I ran to the window, cupping my hand over my eyes and glueing them to the window to see in the slightly tinted window. No movement.

I looked up at the window that would lead to Betty's room, the one we always would stare out of to see the street. I smiled at that memory, it was an amazing one.

My mind went back to previous memories we've had together. Her and I, me and Archie, the three of us. What I stopped thinking all together I placed my foot on the ledge of the window at the bottom, my hands reaching up to grab the top part. Pulling myself up I grabbed onto the next one and lifted again.

There was a small entering at the bottom of the window, so with my strength and one hand I pushed it up and crawled in, like I always would do.

She was sitting there, her head in her hands, her body resting against the bed frame. She didn't need to look up to know it was me.

I crouched down, sitting next to her and placing my arm around her, bringing her close to my chest.

"What happened?" I watched her head lift a bit, my eyes meeting her Jade green eyes that were red and puffy from the crying. Her sniffle broke me, only being able to give her a weak smile, waiting for her answer.

"Everything." She cried, her blonde curls bounced with her cries. I held her tighter and I put my head against hers.

"He hurt you." I breathed it. He really hurt her.

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