Chapter Eighteen | It's the breakfast club

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Chapter Eighteen: it's the breakfast club

Chapter Eighteen: it's the breakfast club

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Amelia's pov

"So, he was selling drugs, selling all of his stuff?" Betty and I were sat inside the lounge, a couple days after Grundy left town. Things had died down since then, the search for Jason went on but we hadn't found out a lot more. Only that sheriff Keller's murder board was missing and apparently Polly was sent away because she attempted to take her life.

"Yeah, a-and Polly—" she started, her voice cracking before she continued, "I can't believe what my dad told me."

"It's a lot to take in, and everything with Jason. It all seems hazy." I sank down into the couch, my arms resting on the top as Betty paced a little. She sighed and ran a hand over her face.

"Jughead and I were talking, maybe, in his room there will be some sort of clues to why he disappeared, why he wanted to get away." My eyes widened as she suddenly stopped, waiting for the outburst.

"Are you crazy?!" I asked, standing to my feet and stepping towards her.

"Maybe," she shrugged, raising her eyebrows. I sighed and turned away, "you don't need to worry Amelia, everyone will be too busy with his funeral to even notice us."

"You do remember who Jason's parents are, don't you? They are literal hell, you go in there and you'll be dead if they find you." We were inches away by this point, Betty's head looking off to the side, I staring at her.

"I don't know why you're always so worried I–"

"Betty, you're my girlfriend. I'm supposed to be worried. I don't want to lose you. Without you, I would be crazy on my own." She took a breath in and looked back towards me, my brown orbs meeting her emerald ones. For one split moment, I almost forgot where we were.

I desperately wanted to tell her everything right then and there. About how I've liked her for years, loved her more than what she actually knew. About the scars. I've known this beauty for over fourteen years and I couldn't be any grateful. I don't want to be annoying, telling her she can't do something, but I can't help but think of all the things that could go wrong.

"Promise me...promise me that if anyone sees you, or hears you in there, that you get out right away." Her lips curled up at the side, revealing the beautiful smile I knew so well.

She closed the gap between us and placed her lips upon mine. Remember when I said I hated cliche things? Well, it's cliche, but it felt like fireworks went off every time she kissed me. And this little bubbly feeling bursted in my stomach as I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

Her head rested against my forehead, "thank you." She whispered. Her minty breath left my presence as she grabbed ahold of her bag and left the room without another word.


"Jesus, today has been so long." I flopped down into my bed, my right arm behind my head as I scrolled through my feed on my phone.

"We were at a kids funeral, of course today felt longer." Betty sat on a bean bag chair that was next to my trunk. Her hair still up like how it was at the funeral.

My bedroom fell silent as we both were on our phones. It felt cold as a small breeze seeped in through my window. But the silence didn't last long when three familiar heads bursted through my bedroom door, loud and obnoxious.

"Oh look, it's the breakfast club." I smirked, sitting up so one of them could sit on my bed with me. Arch tried to get onto the bean bag with Betty but only failed miserably and smacked his head off the ground.

Jughead went and put his back against the wall, standing behind us while Ronnie came and flopped down onto my bed next to me. We all laughed as Archie grabbed ahold of his head and pouted our way.

"That wasn't funny." He playfully growled as he made his way across the room, sitting on the floor.

"Yes it was." I laughed again, throwing my phone onto my bed. Veronica turned to me, beginning to speak.

"Anything new with you? We haven't really been able to talk these past few days, life's gotten in the way." Chuckling, I shook my head, trying to recall any new information.

Glancing over at Betty, her eyes were wide and it looked like she was trying to tell me something. And that's when it clicked it. We have been so caught up in Jason's murder, Betty and I forgot to tell them about us.

"Uhh," I began, looking from Archie, to Jug to Veronica, "there actually is something I have to tell you guys."

They all like worried, like the next thing I was going to say was going to change them forever. It may change a bit, but it's not like it's that big of a deal.

"Betty...and I, are um, dating now." I tried to keep a straight face while they all say there shocked. But I couldn't keep a straight face. I couldn't do anything straight.

"Oh. My. God." Veronica threw her arms around me and turned to Betty, "actually?!"

Laughing, Betty nodded with a wide grin. She absolutely stunning, even if we were just sitting in my room talking. She always managed to light up a room.

"Fin-a-ly." Jughead let out, chuckling as sat down next to the big chest I had.

"It only took you–" Archie began, but I quickly shushed him. I still hadn't talked to her about anything else. She doesn't know that these feelings have been here since grade six. She didn't know that I loved her. And I wasn't ready in telling her anytime soon.


This chapter was a big
flop but I hope you guys still enjoyed.

I only have school today, tomorrow,
Then Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday are my exams and I'm done school!!
So I'll be writing more for this story!!

And thank you for 8K ily all!!

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