Chapter Twelve | His burgers doofus

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Chapter Twelve: His burgers doofus

Chapter Twelve: His burgers doofus

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Amelia's pov

"Get the fuck out of my way! Move! Ughhh." I set the gaming remote down and flopped backwards onto Archies bed, running a hand down my face.

"A little annoyed there." Jughead teased, looking back to me. I snarled at him and sat up, reaching over to grab the remote again.

"This game could not piss me off anymore than it already does." I said, hitting the 'x' button and running around inside the game.

"We know that. Call of duty is your own natural-born enemy." Archie laughed, killing a guy. In the game of course.

"Not true," I glanced at him and Jughead for a second, "do you think that, if people knew we were playing games like this while there's a killer on the loose in our own you think that they would think we are crazy, or psycho or something?"

They both stopped for a moment, taking in what I said and really thought about it, "I think that if we didn't play these games, we wouldn't know how to protect ourselves." Jughead said, almost sarcastically, but also being serious in a way.

"Cause that makes sense," I rolled my eyes and turned towards them, hesitating on speaking, "guys...I-can I tell you something?"

They shared a glance before nodding on, pausing their game.

"Um, well firstly, Jug, I talked to Veronica like you told me to. We're all good by the way, but, she made me and Betty go to pops that night," I looked down, gulping.

"And it was fun, I took her back to those group of trees we always use to climb as kids. It was amazing. But...I-I...I kissed her."

Their eyes widened, theirs dropped and all words they could've said left their mind after hearing the news about what happened.

"Guys...say something please?" I begged, pleading them with my eyes. They were too shocked to do anything, so they just say there, looking like fish with the ways their mouth only opened the tiniest bit.

"What did she do?" Jughead finally asked, a tiny smirk beginning to play on his face.

Sighing, I looked down. I fought against the feeling of crying, I really did try to hold the annoying, warm, salty tears from falling, but I failed. A few escaped, running down my face.

"Nothing," my voice cracked, awfully, "she just kinda stared at me. Then we got a text from Veronica and met up with her, haven't talked to her about it since."

I heard Archie sigh, shift in his seat and move over a bit so that he was on the bed with me now, "hey, Ame, look, I'm glad you managed to pull together some courage to be able to do this. I never thought you would be able to do it, honestly. But I'm sorry about what happened, about how it went down."

I looked up to my ginger best friend, his hair pushed to the side and a careful smile against his lips. He had his hand on my back, rubbing small circles for comfort.

"How about we, maybe head over to pops, get a burger and a couple shakes. Maybe Arch and I am cheer you up." Jughead stood to his feet, grabbing this jacket and giving me a sympathetic look.

"Uh, sure, I guess that's alright." I smiled at the two, bringing my hand up and wiping away the runaway tears.


"Thank you." Archie said as pop walked away, going to make our order. I played with the strong on my dark blue hoodie, endless thoughts going through my head.

"So how have your classes been going?" Archie asked, leaning forward onto the table.

"Good." I replied, smiling slightly. Jughead chuckled for a moment and moved over in his booth a bit.

"What?" Archie and I asked in unison. He laughed again and looked between the two of us.

"Gotta make room for my girlfriend." He joked, but something in his tone sounded serious.

"Since when did you have a girlfriend?"
Arch spoke up, a little surprised at the news.

"His burgers doofus." I said in a 'duh' tone, so his stupidity would leave for a moment.

Only a couple minutes passed by in that moment with the three of us sitting there, talking about what came to mind. Yes, they did manage to make me smile again and gear me away from thinking about Betty. But as we sat there, even when I engaged into a conversation, all I had on my mind was her.

It's all I could ever have on my mind. That night, with Archie and Jughead, it went perfectly, just me and the guys. We hadn't had a night like that in so long. With all the stuff that's been happening, no one could actually find the time to hang out anymore. Not with after what happened to Jason.

For a second, in that booth, one ginger haired boy, a kid with some grey beanie and a brunette girl laughed their heads off as friends, as a happy time in our lives. That was us, that was us until all the drama and mysteries began to unfold, and we're trapped right in the middle of it all.

Short little an, the next chapter like this one will be a filler, then the one after that is gonna be probably very long.

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