Chapter 2

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( Not Updated )

I pulled out my passport and gave it to the lady with a smile. She then scanned everything and handed it all back to me.

I turned to my parents with tears in my eyes.

"I'm going to miss you guys."

"Awe honey," my mom started, " We will call you at least three times a week and you might not be there that long. She did say until her work schedule clears"

I nodded, " Yeah, but it also could be a long time."

I looked at the time and realized that it was almost time for me to board my plane.

After giving my parents a hug and kiss goodbye I went to my seat and sat their.

What if things don't work out? What if they hate me?

I shook the annoying thoughts out from my head. Pulling out my book I started to read it until I dozed off.


Once I pulled up to the house I was very suprised with how big it was. I mean I knew they were rich because they flew me out here, but I didn't know they were this rich.

Once I gained some confidence I walked to the door and knocked.  After waiting a few minutes I began to think I got the wrong house.

Suddenly the door swung open and I met a pair of gorgeous brown eyes. I began to take in the rest of him and I noticed he had no shirt on.

"What are you staring at?"  He growled.

"U-uhh Im s-sorry" I don't know why I started to stutter it must have been the fact that he was so handsome and intimidating at the same time.

"Can you speak? I don't have time for this." He said narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yes, I'm sorry uh is Mrs. Wilson here?" I said finally forming a sentence.

"Yeah." He said still blocking the door.

"Well, can I come in?"

He smirked, "Nope." Then he started to shut he door until a voice stopped him.

"Cole!! I told you I was expecting someone. Let the poor girl through and go get some clothes on. You are so ridiculous I swear." Mrs. Wilson came to view as she slapped the back of Cole's head

He glared at me and mumbled something before stomping up the stairs .

"I am so sorry dear that was my son. Please come in." Mrs. Wilson said opening the door a little wide for me to walk in.

Once I was in I started to look around. Let me just say the House was even better than outside and I didn't think that was even possible.

"Dear, please sit down so we can talk about the job and the schedule." She smiles kindly at me.

I nodded and followed her to the couch and sat down.

"Thank you so much Mrs Wilson for offering me this job." I said grateful for everything.

"Oh, it was not a problem at all. And please call me Angela I hate being called by my last name outside of work." Angela said

I nodded and I waited for her to continue.

"So, My husband and I work more than we like, but someone has to pay the bills here. That's why we hired you, because we work so much our daughter Sophie is always left alone with a different baby sitter everyday. We decided it would be easier just to hire a nanny. Once we saw your ad everything was perfect but that you lived so far away. I'm so happy you agreed to coming here." She smiled

"We work most of the days, but Saturdays which would be your day off. We also will be here in the mornings till about 11am then we head off to work."

I nodded letting her know I was getting all the information.

"Your room will be upstairs 3rd door to the left. I had our butler take your bags to your room. If you would like to go look at your room you may do so. Sophie is currently at preschool so when she gets out you will meet her"

I smiled at her, " Thank you so much for the amazing job opportunity. I'll be upstairs in my room if you need me."

I walked up the stairs trying to remember what she even said. 3rd door to the right? I walked up to the door and I opened it. I looked around and I was very confused.

It kinda looked like a boys room. It very clean but the bed was unmade. I started to think that I got the wrong room when Cole walked in.

"What the hell are you doing in my room you freak." He glared at me

My eyes widened and I couldn't form words properly from my mouth.

He glared at me and started to walk towards me. Once he reached me he lowered his mouth to my ear.

"You speak when you are spoken to."

I jumped slightly and looked up at his eyes. "I- I'm sorry I just g-got lost I don't know where my room is."

He gripped my arm tightly but not enough to hurt me. Then he pulled me out of his room and walked me to the door across form his.

"This," He said pointing at my door, " is your room. Don't come in mine again." And with that he turned around and left.

I looked around then turned to my door and walked in my room thinking about what just happened.

I hope everyone enjoys the story so far❤️❤️

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