Chapter 9

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(Not Edited)

I stared wide eyed at Cole while he was fuming with anger.

I quickly covered myself with my shirt, "Cole!? What the hell are you doing in here?" I screamed.

"What the hell am I doing? What the hell are you doing?"

"Get out!"

With one last glare at me and Drew he turned around and left.

"Whoa..." Drew started

"God I know. Who does he think he is?"

"Uhh was there something going on between you two because that was weird..."

I looked up at Drew, "I mean we kissed once but he said to forget about it."

Drew chuckled, "that explains it."

"What does it explain?"

"Well, whenever guys tell you to forget about something that means that they couldn't stop thinking about it, but they think it's wrong" Drew explained.

"But why would he think it was wrong?" I asked

"Maybe because he hated you at first. Oh and your his sisters nanny."

I thought about it for a second and it started making sense. "I don't know... maybe."

"Girl there is no maybe about it. It's so obvious and predictable. You just have to let him come around," after awhile Drew spoke up again, " I always knew he felt something for you."

I stared at him for a second until he cleared his throat. "I should go. Don't want to be here with all this weirdness going on."

I laughed, "Alright bye Drew."

"Bye. I'll text you later."

After Drew left I just sat on my bed wondering if it could be true. There is no way Cole liked me. He liked girls like Sydney not me.

Even if he did like me I don't even think I would go through with it. Honestly he is super mean and I'm not trying to deal with him all the time.


"Sophie why are you still jumping around?" I asked.

Currently Sophie and I were just walking outside. Well I was walking Sophie hasn't stopped jumping since we have been out here.

Sophie gripped my hand tighter, " Because I'm a bunny Em-a-wee duh!"

I laughed as I heard the way Sophie mispronounced my name. It was a week since the whole thing with Cole and Drew went down. Cole has been avoiding me, not that I cared, and Drew text back and forth all the time.

"Sophie you say my name like this Em-uh-lee" I told her.

She looked at me with her big brown eyes and nods. "Okay Em-a-wee"

I giggled while looking at Sophie.

All of the sudden Sophie let's go of my hand and starts running in the opposite direction shouting something.

Oh no. "Sophie come back." I said running after her.

I turned the corner and started to get worried because I don't see her.

"Sophie?" I yelled

"So this is how you watch my little sister." I jumped as I heard Cole from behind me.

I looked at him carrying Sophie while she was giggling.

I sighed as relief came washing through me.

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