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            "What's your favourite band?" Michael was sprawled out on Ashton's bed, holding the powder blue sheet down as the blonde tucked the corners under the mattress. The four boys were all in Ashton's room, helping the boy unpack and Luke was sketching on the walls to plan his painting. Ashton's mum had dropped off a few boxes filled with things to decorate the room, along with the toothbrush he'd forgotten. Somehow, though, the boy had remembered toothpaste.

            "Green Day," Ashton replied automatically, smoothing the last corner of the blue sheet. Michael rolled to his feet, his soft pink lips curving into a smile at the answer. Calum reacted similarly, whilst Luke's face lit up—the look that meant the artist had gotten some type of inspiration for his painting. The boy sketched out Green Day's logo, blending it flawlessly into the mural he was planning.

The main picture was a beautiful forest that looked as if it'd been taken straight from the pages of a fairytale. A large moon shone above it, and Luke had softly shaded beams of light brushing the edges of the tallest trees. Within the ridges and texture of the moon, he'd drawn different things relating to Ashton. A slim pair of ballet shoes, a guitar, different band logos, and anything else that Ashton mentioned.

"Hey, Bambi?" Calum spoke up from where he was unpacking the cardboard boxes. Ashton had covered them in brightly coloured squiggles when they'd still been at his family's house, though he blamed it on his sister. "Where do you want these?" The raven-haired boy held up a string of dainty fairy lights. Ashton scampered to his side, and Michael watched with a surprising amount of fondness, considering he'd just met the tanned boy. Ashton's eyes shimmered with green undertones as he spoke, and he somehow managed to match Calum's hyper personality, and giggled at his lack of a filter.

Michael felt something hit the side of his head before he could stare for too long. "You're supposed to unpacking Ashton's clothes," Luke said. Michael watched the tall lad collect his eraser from the floor, where it'd landed after hitting Mikey. "He is cute, though," Luke added softly, smiling at the sight of Ashton. The ballerina was putting his stationary into the drawers on his desk, lining everything up impeccably. He was scrunching up his nose with concentration, reminding Michael of a rabbit.

Luke bit Michael's ear gently before the lavender-haired boy could get lost in the beautiful sight of Ashton again. Michael jumped, turning to the suitcase that was filled with the ballerina's clothes. He started transferring the soft materials into Ashton's dresser: black skinny jeans and sweatpants, band tees and Converse shoes. But, as Michael got deeper into the suitcase, he found more "girly" clothes. Leggings and skirts (Mikey couldn't stop himself from imagining Ashton's long, sun-kissed legs), pastel shirts and ballet shoes. Dresses soon followed, and then Michael reached the last layer of clothes. At first he just saw boxers, but the pale boy was quick to notice a hint of pink lace underneath the black and grey material. Michael grabbed the soft material, slowly pulling it out of the suitcase. He stared with wide, emerald eyes at a soft pair of rose-coloured panties. The pale teenager moved the boxers aside, revealing a collection of them.

It was only then that Ashton noticed what was happening. He crossed the room with long strides, and it was then that Michael noticed that Ashton walked like a ballerina. When his feet touched the floor they were completely flat or toe-heel, rather than heel-toe like most people. "I- uh." When Ashton reached Michael, he didn't seem to know what to say. "...They aren't mine?" the slim blonde finally offered, his eyebrows crinkling unsurely.

"Is this what you're wearing under those tight jeans?" Michael asked teasingly, standing from where he was kneeled on the floor. He gently looped his fingers in Ashton's black belt loops, tugging the lanky boy closer. Ashton's cheeks flamed with a bright pink colour.

"They're- I- not mine," he stammered.

"Don't be embarrassed, princess," Luke said. He and Calum had taken notice, and sidled up alongside Ashton.

"It's so fucking cute," Calum added, and Ashton looked like he was ready to faint.

"Don't pass out, Ballerina Boy," Michael chuckled, gently gesturing for his boyfriends to back off. The two boys complied, and Ashton fanned his warm face. He quickly emptied the last of his clothes into the dresser, and the pink in his cheeks started to fade.

The four boys sat in amicable silence for a few short moments, before Luke spoke up. He'd returned to working on his sketch, and the pale boy was stood on a stool to reach the higher sections of the wall. "How old are you, Ashy?"

"Eighteen," the tanned blonde responded, tugging at his curls absentmindedly. "You?"

"I'm sixteen," Luke said. Calum and Michael added that they were nearly seventeen and already seventeen, respectively.

"Do you have anything else to unpack?" Michael asked, casually placing a small, pale hand on Ashton's shoulder. The ballerina shook his head, glancing around. The entire room was decorated, and the only thing left were the walls that Luke was still sketching on, and the door that Ashton wanted to leave blank for the moment. "Want us to show you around the school?" Michael offered.

"Really? I'd love that," Ashton said, and Calum couldn't help but compare him to a heart-eyed emoji. The raven-haired boy gently grabbed Ashton's hand, Michael grabbed the other, and Luke walked behind them, his hands on Ashton's waist.

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