Chapter 4

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:Eliza's POV:
Eliza drove to a nearby dinner she knew had good burgers, as well as other food.

She was still pretty shocked Maria had even said yes.

'But hey!' Eliza thought, 'it's not like this is a date!' She felt herself blush lightly at the thought. Though not enough to worry about Maria noticing. It wasn't like, she liked Maria, or anything like that, 'she just thought it would be nice to get to know Maria better and make a new friend,' Eliza reassured herself.

After a few more minutes of comfortable silence, she pulled into a parking spot.

"Here!" She said, getting out of the car.

Maria got out as well, taking care because of her tight dress. She smiled at Eliza.

Eliza held the restaurant door open for Maria.

"Thanks," Maria said, walking in.

"No problem," Eliza replied.

After waiting a few moments to be seated, both girls sat on either side of a table, and examined the menus.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" a waiter asked them. His pen poised over a notepad in order to write down their beverage choices.

"Lemonade," Maria said, turning to the waiter.

"Pepsi," Eliza replied.

The waiter took down their drink orders and walked off to get them those.

:Maria's POV:

The dinner Eliza had taken her to was a little, hole in the wall place. However it was cute, and seemed nice.

After ordering her drink, she examined the menu, and figured her lack of knowledge about this place could be a good excuse to start a conversation.

"Do you recommend anything?" Maria looked up at Eliza.

Eliza's beautiful brown eyes looked back at her, "well... the burgers are great, obviously. They have fried and grilled chicken here, and they have surprisingly good salad."

Maria had just decided what she wanted when the waiter came back. He handed each girl their drink.

"Are you ready to order?" the waiter asked.

They both nodded.

"I'll take a plain cheese burger with a side salad," Eliza told the waiter.

"I'll take some grilled chicken with a side of fries," Maria replied.

The waiter walked off again, taking their orders to the kitchen.

"So how's life?" Maria asked, afterwards she mentally kicked herself. Eliza had literally just broke up with her boyfriend, not to mention it had been Maria's fault.

Eliza gave a small laugh, if she was uncomfortable with the question she didn't show it, "not to bad, not great though, overall..." she shrugged, "I can't complain. How about you?"

Maria gave a small smile, thankful Eliza hadn't brought up Alex... or the affair... "pretty good actually," Maria replied truthfully. Wanting to continue the conversation, she asked: "so how did you find out about this place?"

"Oh! Actually I found out about it from my oldest sister, Angelica," Eliza told her.

"Cool," Maria replied, "are siblings really annoying? I don't have any, but that's what I've heard."

Eliza gave Maria a true, genuine smile, "yes! I swear sometimes I just want to strangle Angelica and Peggy. My sisters always have my back though!"

Soon Eliza and Maria's food came. They talked in between taking bites from their meals. By the time Maria ate her last fri she was wearing a wide smile and a light blush.

"Thanks for taking me out here!" Maria wiped her face with a napkin, "This was really great!"

Eliza smiled, getting up after paying for their food. "I had a lot of fun too!"

:Eliza's POV:

Eliza and Maria talked more as she drove Maria back to her apartment. Loving every minute of their conversation.

Eliza pulled up outside of Maria's home, letting her get out, "bye! I had lots of fun!"

Maria got out and smiled, "me too! It was great."

Eliza waved as Maria made her way to her house, "hey!" she called.


"Do you maybe want to do this again sometime?" Eliza asked nervously

Maria flashed Eliza a wide grin, "definitely! I'll text you!"

After Maria had went inside Eliza started to drive back to her own apartment. Smiling the whole way.

-------------------------------------------------------Yay! More of my okay-ish terrible writing! Anyways, I said it would be longer and it is, so I wasn't lying! Sorry if there are any historical inaccuracies, i was to lazy to see if Maria had siblings... anyways Ttyl!

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