Chapter 6

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Using my magic powers it is now Thursday! Enjoy my poor excuse for writing!
:Elizas POV:
During the week Eliza and Maria had exchanged texts. They decided to meet up again on Thursday.

Eliza didn't see the point of going out on a Thursday. It was nearly Friday and you might as well wait by then.

However, Maria had insisted that it was best to go during the week, since the restaurants and stores weren't as busy.

Eliza excitedly put on a pair of black skinny jeans, and a light blue t-shirt with a collar. She brushed out her hair. Eliza grabbed her keys and pulled on some old, but comfortable short tawny boots she'd got awhile back.

She started her car and typed Maria's address into the GPS and began to drive there.

:Maria's POV:
Maria had decided to wear a black tank top, even though it was only early spring. She'd just wear a jacket over it. She also chose to wear some navy blue capris. She tied a red hoodie around her waist, just in case it got cold. Maria tied her hair up in a quick messy bun and slipped on some sneakers, and waited for Eliza. She played 'Crossy Road'.

After awhile, Maria decided to text Eliza.

MariaLewis: Hello! Not to be rude... but where are you?

Maria sighed when she died in 'Crossy Road'.

🔹Eliza🔹(aka CRUSH): Hi, sorry, I just left so I'll see you soon

MariaLewis: Okay, cool

About ten minutes later Maria got a knock on her door.

She got her purse and answered it, smiling. "Hello!" Maria greeted her. In her opinion, Eliza looked adorable, but obviously she didn't say that exactly, "you look nice," she said instead.

Eliza blushed a bit, "oh- thanks," she replied sheepishly, "and hi."

Maria got into the shotgun seat of the car, making small talk with Eliza.

They decided on going to a mall and just hanging out there and maybe go shopping a little.

Once they got to the mall Eliza got out of the car first, and opened the door for Maria.

"Thanks!" Maria smiled at Eliza. Maria took Eliza's hand to get up out of the car. She noticed the small blush Eliza had and giggled a bit.


Maria and Eliza walked around the mall. Maria ended up getting a new pair of boots while Eliza got a nice purse.

"I'm hungry," Maria told Eliza, in the middle of their conversation.

Eliza smiled, "I could eat, let's find something."

Just to see what would happen, Maria grabbed Eliza's hand. She led the other girl to the food court, letting go once they got there.

Eliza was blushing like mad while Maria just gave her a sweet smile.

"S- So... what do you want..?" Eliza asked, pretending to check her phone.

Maria looked around, "hm... I honestly just want something that's fast food, I haven't had anything like that in forever."

:Elizas POV:
Maria requested fast food, so that's what they would get. Eliza had no problem with getting something quick.

"Okay, that's good," she agreed, "what place though?"

She watched Maria look around. She lightly held the hand Maria had earlier, she blushed lightly thinking about it.

"Subway was my favorite place as a little girl," Maria flashed Eliza a grin.

"T- then Subway it is!" Eliza was snapped out of her own world of thought.

Eliza ordered a meatball sub and a coke. Maria got a ham and cheese sandwich, with doritos and a sprite.

They sat down across from each other. Maria opened her bag of chips, and placed her doritos inside the sandwich.

Eliza chuckled, "what are you doing?" she asked, taking a bite of her own sub.

"Making this sandwich ten times better," Maria replied simply.

Eliza responded with a skeptical look.

Maria held out her sandwich to Eliza, "dont diss it till you try it."

Looking back, Eliza wasn't sure why she did it. Maria had leaned in close though, and all Eliza could think about was how beautiful Maria's eyes were.

Eliza moved the sandwich with one had, and quickly kissed Maria.

"S- sorry..." Eliza pulled back.

Maria took Eliza's hand, for real this time, and returned the kiss. Eliza smiled.

Eliza cupped Maria cheek with her hand, before pulling away, cherry red.

"So... where does that leave us..?" she asked.

Maria just smiled at her warmly, "where do you want us to be?"

Eliza blushed redder if that was possible, "i- I'd be... be honored if you..." she looked up at Maria, "be my... wonderful... girlfriend..?"

Maria bit into her sub, "I'd love that."

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