vii. losing touch.

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( CHAPTER  vii. )


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          IRIS NARROWED HER eyes to slits, her lips curled into a scowl as she looked over John. He tried to refrain from gazing at the angered girl, and hoped for the slightest chance that she'd eventually turn away and stomp off — she didn't, to which he let out a frustrated groan in response.

          "Why wont you look at me?" She demanded, quickly folding her arms.

          John pursed his lips, fiddling with a small scrap-metal blade. "Because I know what you're about to say. And, quite frankly, I'm not really in the mood to be hearing it at the moment."

"What is wrong with you?" She demanded next, a slight shake of disappointment in her head. Her brain was penetrated with things she wanted to yell at him, things that would hopefully lead him away from rebellion, but she stuck with one statement, and one statement only. "You've turned into a whole other persona since we landed."

"Sorry to disappoint, Angel, but this is who I've always been." He replied smugly, flaring his brows. "I'm no longer your basket case project to try and fix. Stop trying, you're wasting your time."

          Iris let out a scoff at the new nickname, rolling her eyes in exasperation. How could one person be driven so hard to violence by those around him that he forgets his true self almost entirely? This isn't who he is, Iris reassured herself, this is not who any of us are.

          And then John finally cocked his head up, his eyes intertwining with hers. Their solid gaze was enough to cause the tension to rise, enough for a frayed sigh to pass through the girls lips. His expression was almost solid. He would not fall victim to her saddened gaze. He would not be influenced by her hammering thoughts. She couldn't change his mind, and she realized that. She realized that she was losing him. And he was losing himself.

          "Hey, Angel," a voice called out, causing Iris to cringe just the slightest. "Mind if I take your boyfriend for a couple hours?"

She shot her head up and mentally groaned from annoyance. Bellamy sent her a devilish smirk, quickly pulling a jacket on as he threw demands to Atom about babysitting Octavia. Murphy's eyebrows laced together, and both him and Iris connected a gaze for a short second. Murphy shrugged lightly, following after Bellamy.

          A scoff left Iris's mouth, a slight shake to her head. Her lips were pursed, her features scrunched up into a concentrated gaze.

"No," Rosalies voice soon sounded, Iris looking up to find her best friends narrowing her eyes. "You are not going with them on a suicide mission to save some dead kid."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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TOO FAR GONE, b. blakeWhere stories live. Discover now