Dee P.O.V: "Yo, we finally here come on J. I think we the first ones here. "Damn, look at this place lets go find our room," Early bird gets the worm, I guess". We get inside find our rooms then sit on the couch to wait for the next artist to walk in.
J. goes to take a shower and go to bed early because of the long trip from Baltimore. "Yo, we in here", a random voice called. It was Nova "Nova, hayyy". I went to give him a handshake but he comes in for a side hug so I just go with it. "Hey" he said.
I'm Deetranada but you can call me "Dee" "Ok" he repled. As I was walking away Nova grabbed my arm and said "Dont I know you from Instagram"?. "I knew you looked familiar", I said.
I turned around and walked away with a smirk on my face I turned around and looked at Nova and he was blushing I thought to myself "maybe he likes me". I ran to the couch and found that perfect spot to lay down at.
Nova P.O.V: After I get there 2 more artist start to arrive named Flau'Jae and the other King Roscoe. Everyone went up stairs except me and Dee I sat on the couch but she is laying down and wants me to move so I say "Just put your legs on my lap while I sit". "Sure" Dee said weirdly. As soon as I put my phone away Dee came up with a crazy idea to switch phones and tell each other our passwords. I went along with it and went straight to the photos on her phone. Going deeper and deeper I find a really adorable and sexy picture of her. That there I really knew how I felt about her. I text the picture to my phone when Dee put the the phone down. I guess she was just wondering what I was doing on her phone because she was staring at me but she thought I didn't see her.
Dee P.O.V: Me and Nova was chilling until we heard screaming coming from upstairs. We both jumped up and ran upstairs. When we looked there was an giant hole in Nova's room wall, caused by a beam that broke that was supporting the wall up. JD found out and we had to pair up artist with artist and managers with managers. Nova's uncle and J. slept in a very small room in the pool house, then Nova had to pick whom he was going to room with. He picked me that is why J. had to go to the pool house while the wall was getting repaired. After everyone was settled in me and Nova headed to our room for the night.

Deetranada and Nova's greatest love story ever.
FanfictionJust read it is juicy it is my version of the amazing deetranaada and nova love scandal. JUICY FOR REAL