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I put my cap on and raced outside grabbing my wallet. I boarded the bus and sat in the back. I didnt even notice but when i looked around i noticed that Miss muttlato and mani was on the bus. i screamed in my head and soon we arrived at laser tag. i was on a team with The girls and the other team was the boys. i was creeping around the corner inthe dark (bcs in laser tag it is dark) and got pulled when i was about to trigger the other teams points. It was Nova. "oh my god nov, why do you keep doing this?" "cause i can" "can we just have a good time instead of always trying to make it nasty" "we can" i back up but he pulled me closer i let go off his grip and tag is laser heart out "that is what you get i said running away". In the end the girls won. and we boarded the bus and then miss mutlato came up to me. "hey deetranda right" "yes, why" "i just wanted to say that nova really got the hots for you, i seen the way he looked at you the whole ride here" "really" "yes, and one more thing i dont think you are going to win the rap game" "how come" "well as you see there is like a pattern the i noticed about JD picking the winners. So as you see i am 18 and i was the oldest out of everybody and on season 2 the oldest was tally as seventeen and if she had stayed and didnt mess up she would have probably have was eliminated which left the second oldest which was Mani. Now for season three nova is going to win bcs he is older than everyone." "oh" mutaalto turned around and i sat back and sighed. the boys boarded the bus and we went home.