Dee: In the morning eveything was quite no one was awake so I just got on my instagram. After a short while I went straight back to sleep. Then I woke up to someone on me. I opened me eyes and it was Nova. "What are you doing" "Oh nothing". I got up and dressed and met Nova and the others downstairs."SUPRISE" they all yelled. I walked downstairs to homemade breakfast and roses on my chair. "Let me guess it was all Nova wasn't it because if it was him I seriously thank him." "yes it was me, as my gift to you, following breakfast we are going to hangout in the city". "Ah I am cool with that as long as I get to braid your hair before we go" "Sure". I ate breakfast then braided Nova's hair into cornrows then collected all of the braids and put them in a ponytail. "Thank You" he replied.
Nova: After Dee did my hair I gave her a piggy back ride to the transportation we will be using. I put her in then we drove off, first place the beach shore. We walked on the beach splashed each other with water then we walked to a café the was right next to the shore. We shared fries then went to the board walk. We played games in the arcade turns out Dee is so competitive. To end out the "Hangout" we went to the movies and saw a new children's movie.
The day was finally over and it was 7:00pm. We headed to the house then as soon as we walk in everyone starts asking what did you guys do. I told Roscoe while Dee told Jae we met up in the room after the emotion fest. and decided to make out somemore.
Apperentally Jae and roscoe ordered pizza because the both of them came running up the stairs telling us it was time to eat. I walked with Roscoe while Dee walked with Jae. Then weirdly Roscoe told me that I had lipgloss all over my face. I wiped it off and joined the girls downstairs.
Dee: I ate my pizza and told everyone that I was going to bed then suddenly Nova grabbed me arm turned me around and gave me a warm and perfect hug and gave me a kiss on my forehead. Off to bed I went feeling more loved than ever.
Next morning I woke up to a present on my bed with a note attached that said that Nova left the gift and left the question did you decide yet. I opened the box and it was a phone case that had the name "Deetranada and Nova heart,heart". I got ready and met everyone downstairs.
Hi guys it is janiya and honestly i made this chapter bcs i watched this movie on lifetime and this date in the story happened on there and i just got the idea to write

Deetranada and Nova's greatest love story ever.
FanfictionJust read it is juicy it is my version of the amazing deetranaada and nova love scandal. JUICY FOR REAL