Dee: After Nova was done with nia he untied me and i ran out to find my brother and Ekko. i found them and dragged them to my room making sure we didnt sit on the bed. and i told them everything. after all the secrets came out the punishment was to stay away from Nova and dont make any contact with him also Nia had to go sleep and stay in the pool house. I rushed them all out of the room but J. stayed "how could you not know that you prego sis and if you lied to me and said the you didnt know but you did why didnt you tell me. you know i love you would never do anything to you. And i just want to say : why? Why would you spread your legs for some dude you just met about a month and some weeks ago."
I never was listening to him i didnt even answer him. i got mad and walked out of the room and out of the house. I just walked and walked until i reached downtown i guess that i would just go visit the twins before they get out. i walked in and asked where they were and the lady tried to make small talk. "who is the mother" "me" "so how old are you about 18" "no i am not that close i am only 15" "wow you have to hold the world record in the state,, so who is the father." "Nova Fren. wait why do you want to know" "oh sorry i didnt mean to be like that" "its fine sorry i went off on you if you were wondering he is 16 about to turn 17 and i am about to turn 16..have a nice day" i walked off going to the nic cue to find my babies. when i walked in the door i see to normal sized babies. i looked at them and thought about nova i just broke down and cried in the hall. a nurse came up to me and handed me and tissue nothing was going to work and i knew it the one person i thought fell in love with me the one person that i thought i loved just turned on me when a girl walks through the door. i was failing i was starting to get depressed again. i said good bye to my babies and called an uber to take me home. When i got home everyone was on the couch watching tv and laughing with each other. i walked in every body was staring at me. "i was visiting the twins i am going to bed". i reached me room sat on the bed and looked on instagram and seen that Nova unliked my photos and that he commented on all my photos. i started to cry but sucked it back as i got on my messages when i seen a text that was sent to nova i never sent nova a text i just call or text on text now. i clicked on it and it was a picture of me sent to his phone maybe that was he was doing on my phone when we switched phones on the first day.
to be continued.

Deetranada and Nova's greatest love story ever.
FanfictionJust read it is juicy it is my version of the amazing deetranaada and nova love scandal. JUICY FOR REAL