Nova: she said that she had a common teenage disorder that causes her not to get that big even though that she may be at least 1 month pregnant. And that tge only thing that saved the baby(ies) is that she had been eating alot nutrituns that helped the baby(ies) develope enough that they could be like they are about be about 5 months. Also she did not even though that she pregnant with twins. "I had already named them Nova since i knew you was not going to take care of them. And i know that bcs you have to taje care of the mother to take care off the twins." "I will take care of them and you and what are their names and genders" "i know you nova the rap gane is ending in about 2 weeks and you just ditched me for a whore after you made me lose my virginity with you i mean you are older than me but it is like i am other than you right now cause you are acting like a little boy for real for real. But anyway their names are Diamond Desiree Barmer and Nova Jerimiah Barmer. And they are a boy and girl." " what do you mean i did everything for you and you acting all brand new and saying that you are maturer than me bcs you gave birth to some stupid ass babies that we both know that me nor you wanted so just shut your ass up for once and just listen to the man that could kill your ass and your babies in two seconds". I started to cry and that was everyone's cue to leave everyone walked out the door alone except for Nova. The doctors bought the babies back in and Nova tried to pick them up. "No nova we cant touch them they have to stay here at the hospital for a couple weeks bcs they are premature." "Shut up bitch dont tell me what to do." He slapped me put the baby down picked me up and pinned me up against the wall and said this "now you need to change the last name of those babies bcs they dont need to have your damn last name they need mine and if you dont i will make you give them babies up for adoption." He put me down and walked out of the room. I started to cry and then got ready to go home and say good bye to the babies since i had to leave them there in the nicue. While i go home. I grabbed my things signed my release papers and left out of the hospital and called and uber. When i got home i walked into the house and went straight to my room and saw a horrible surprise................ Nova was fucking Nia on my bed. I screamed and Nova came up to me and snatched me up he ties my to a chair and told me to watch him fuck her i felt so nasty doing this but anything to protect me and my babies.
To be continued

Deetranada and Nova's greatest love story ever.
FanfictionJust read it is juicy it is my version of the amazing deetranaada and nova love scandal. JUICY FOR REAL