"I'm Not Controlling!" (Avengers x SIRENReader)

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Prompt: You're a siren but surprisingly don't know it yet because it was always hidden from you...until you meet the Avengers that is.

Warnings: Idk 

Requested By: MARVELISS

F/S- Favorite Song


You were walking on the crowded streets of New York, your headphones blasting into your ears (Your F/S). You already were bobbing your head and mumbling the lyrics to yourself, trying very hard to not sing out loud. Even though you desperately wanted to, you just didn't want the events that occurred every other time to occur again. 

What is that you might ask? 

Well, let's just say that whenever you decided to sing (which was often) everyone and anyone around you started acting....weirdly (to put it shortly). It started with a shift in the mood before everyone seemed to turn to look at you, then all at once they all would rush and literally fall to their knees. Begging for you to notice them or do your bidding, you had always booked it right away. Only coming back later to see if the people were acting the same, which they usually weren't.

So, here you were, walking through the streets of New York...trying your best not to sing. Well, guess luck just wasn't on your side today, was it?

The chorus of your favorite song comes on and you honestly couldn't resist breaking out into song anymore, so you did. As quick as it had last time, the mood changed and everyone seemed to turn to look at you before rushing to crowd around you. Screaming things like: "Oh, please may I do anything for you?!" "Let me love you, I love you!" "I'm yours, do with me whatever you like."

Quickly, you pushed past them all and took off down the street, trying to get away from the crowd but they just chased after you and that's when you bumped into the infamous Winter Soldier and that's how you came into contact with the Avengers. Them pretty much saving your life from a crowd of 'over-obsessed' people.


That memory flashes in your mind as Clint rushes towards you and falls to his knees. "Oh, Y/N! Please, let me get you something to eat, do your laundry, anything for you!"

"No, Clint!" Natasha yells while pulling you away. "I'm doing that for her."

Soon almost everyone in the tower, aside from Bucky and Bruce, were fighting over you to try and do something for you, most of them on their knees while the others would take you away and drag you somewhere in the far corner of the tower.

Steve was the last to get you, keeping you far in the corner of your room as he walked around to try and clean it; obviously trying to please you while also making sure that you didn't run or get taken. He was like a small child protecting his new toy at a birthday party, at any other situation you would've laughed your ass off but now? Not so much.

You're about to open your mouth to try and reason with America's golden boy when your door is shoved open to reveal the other soldier and super-scientist. You suck in a huge breath out of fear but quickly let it go when Bruce shakes his head and gives you a reassuring smile as if he read your mind.

You watch from your huddled up corner as Bucky pins Steve to the wall and Bruce rushes forward to grab your hand and run out of the room, Bucky soon following. You don't question about what happened to Steve as the guys literally shove you into the elevator when the other Avengers rush around the corner to try and stop you. 

All three of you sit in silence, you between Bucky and Bruce, looking at each other out of the corners of your eyes. As you sit there in that studying silence, you see that they both are wearing headphones, ones that are horribly good at canceling out any kind of noise. 

The doors open to the lab floor and Bruce quickly turns to you. "Y/N, I need you to use your hacking abilities to lock down this floor. Enough that even Tony can't reach us."

You nod and rush to the computer to get to work before anyone else can come down and try to kidnap you from this floor. After a few minutes of the boys watching over your shoulder, you finally were able to hack into the system and shut it down for this floor.

"What's going on?" You question, finally turning to look at both of them. "Is there some kind of plague that no one told me about?"

"No, Y/N...this is hard to explain." Bruce shakes his head as Bucky places his hand on your shoulder to offer some kind of comfort. "But...it's you."

"What do you mean it's me?!" You shriek.

"You're controlling-"

"I'm not controlling!" You interrupt.

"Y/N. You're controlling them." Bruce shakes his head. "With your permission, I'd like to take a sample of your blood so that we could figure out how to fix this."

"Uh, sure. But do I have to go back there?" You demand.

"They'll hurt themselves and each other trying to get here if we don't humor them." Bucky shakes his head.

"Great." You mutter. "Bucky, you're my bodyguard. Let's go." 

Part 2?

Also sorry for it being so late, something came up and ruined my writing spirit but I'm back now!

-Author Out

--PS still looking for options on what to call you guys. Hmu please! (My friend says Peasants so help)

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