Intimacy (Steve x Reader)

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Prompt: I'm not telling ;)

Warnings: Slight sexual content so please be advised

A/N: Oops? 

The way his hands wracked your body, it just had you shuddering. Your eyes flutter shut as you fall back against the soft pillows but Steve only takes that as an invitation to go further. Slowly, he kisses up your thigh, not leaving an inch of skin untouched. 

He bites, licks, kisses, and sucks your skin till a bruise is left behind. The man wanted to make sure everyone knew that you were his and his only. You never would have guessed that Steve would act like this in a million years, yet here he was ravishing your body like it was a fucking temple. 

Steve finally smashes his lips onto your own as his body lays over you but not to a point where he was crushing you underneath him. Slowly, he takes your hands and forces them away from his silky blonde hair. With a sly smirk, Steve pulls away from your lips and pushes your arms over your head with one hand. 

The other gradually runs down your side, his fingers dancing on your skin. Which only made goosebumps rise all around you. Another shudder rips through your body as you stare into his crystal blue eyes, daring him to make the next move.

"You belong to me, Y/N Y/L." Steve whispers as he dips his head close to your ear. "No one else, got it?" You nod but don't answer, Steve squeezes your thigh hard. "I said, got it?"

"Y-yes." You stutter. "Yes sir."

"Good." He smiles before he starts to kiss down your neck, slowly making his way back to your dripping panties. "Y/N, I just wanted to say-"

You jump awake with a start, sweat dripping down your body. You take a deep breath and look around the limo that Tony had rented to take you all to a party, everyone else seemed to be sleeping. Your head had been on Steve's shoulder and his head had been resting on yours, now he was awake as well. Thanks to you jumping.

"You alright, Y/N?" Steve inquires. You bite your lip, your face turning fifty shades of red, and turn away. 

"Yeah." You sigh. "Perfectly fine, sorry I woke you."

"Oh, it's okay." Steve whispers, his hand running up and down your thigh. "Though, I am upset that you stopped me so soon."

"S-stopped you?" You stutter while turning to look into his eyes.

"Y/N, you fell asleep before I did." Steve smirks as his fingers start to travel towards the end of your dress, pushing it up further and further. "And you are not a quiet moaner, sweetheart." 


Ew ew ew, I hate the ending butttttttt it doesn't matter because I'm pretty sure I tricked 99.999999999% of you anyway and that does put a smile on my face. :D

Anyway, don't hate me

Please give opinions and tell me if I should stop trying this shit now before I ruin everything.

I also just wanted to say thank you to all of you who are reading this. It's an honor and I'm so happy you guys actually like what I write because it brings me a lot of joy to see all of your hilarious comments.

So seriously, thank you, and I'm sorry I do not say it enough. 

I'm also sorry for this long ass authors note

I am not sorry, however, for this imagine ;)

-Author Out

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