No One Can Save You Now (Avengers x Reader P2)

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Prompt: A continuation of the celebration (not).

Warnings: Slight Spoiler but not (explained below)

Requested By: Comments Section

A/N: Also, fair warning, I have seen infinity war now and am not thinking about including spoilers in here. There may be a reference here or there but nothing that ruins the movie. If there is something, I'll let ya know before

You fix your ponytail with a huff as you stare at yourself in the mirror. Anger flooded your veins and you knew that you should not be alone for this long, especially when your friends and family were dead. You didn't know how to grieve anymore.

All you saw was red and your hatred for Thanos. Yes, you were able to strike him where he stood after he had killed Tony right in front of you and yes you got to watch the life leave his eyes before you stabbed his body a few more times out of anger, but you knew that wasn't closure. That was unhealthy. It was horrible. 

You craved to see him suffer and you craved to see him break just as you had when he killed each and every one of your friends. You take a deep breath and lean against the sink, the water running in front of you as you tried to calm yourself down. 

The fight was over. Thanos was dead, as was everyone else you cared about, and he suffered. You were able to return the stones to their rightful places, except for the two that had been on Earth before. Now you had those in your bag, you just couldn't trust anyone anymore. Especially since others would come looking after word got around the universe. 

You feared for your friends that were still alive. If word got around that you, a shield agent with some pretty bad-ass abilities, were able to kill Thanos after he killed your family, then Earth would be swarming with different villains trying to take you down or kidnap you. You didn't want them to have to deal with the consequences. 

Your phone rings, causing you to jump to attention. Slowly, you move your gaze down to the screen to see Daisy Johnson's contact. She was like a sister to you when you first joined SHIELD and she still was now, obviously she was worried about you. Finally, you pick up the device and bring it to your ear.

"What kind of program are you using?" Daisy's voice fills your ear. You chuckle. "Seriously! I can't even find out where you bought dinner from last night!"

"That's because I didn't eat." You reply.

"Why not?" She demands.

"Wasn't hungry." You shrug and move the cloth over your bloody knuckles. 

"Wasn't hungry or was too busy?" Daisy inquires. "Y/N, I saw the news." 

"Then too busy." You roll your eyes even though she couldn't see you. 

"Where are you, Y/N?" Daisy demands. "Coulson is worried, the team is worried, I'm fucking worried."

"I need time to grieve." You state. "And the only way I know how is to help people and punish villains." 

"Violence." She corrects. "You mean violence." 

"Potato patato." You mumble.

"We have something important, something only you can help with." She urgently states. "Simmons can't figure it out, but I know you can. I'm not allowed to send any pictures but I know that I'm going to have to if we're going to get you to come." 

"What's going on Daisy?" You question but she doesn't reply. 

You feel your phone buzz and you quickly take it away from your ear to see a text from her. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion and the device falls from your grasp in seconds. You quickly take off into your bedroom to grab as much as your things as you could.

Within seconds, you're in your stolen car and are speeding down the highway, weaving in and out of traffic just to make it to the base in time.

Your phone lay on the bathroom floor with a large crack down the middle but the picture of several bodies laying on medical beds is still clearly visible.

Marvel Imagines And One-Shots || Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now