Saving You (Peter Parker x Reader)

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Prompt: You're Peter Parker's best friend and know about him being the famous Spiderman, what he doesn't know is that you have a secret of your own.

Requested By: Marveliss

Warnings: Nothing Really

A/N: I'm probably going to add X-Men, thanks for the feedback!!Also it's our buddy Tom XD

SP/N=Superhero name


You crawled through your window and almost collapse on the floor from exhaustion but you quickly shook your head and peeled your suit off of your body, being sure to throw it in the back of your closet underneath almost everything before you allowed yourself to collapse onto your comfortable bed.

It seemed like you had just closed your eyes when a small tapping came from your window, the window you had forgotten to close, before it sounded like someone was climbing in. Slowly, your fingers curl around the gun that was underneath your pillow, getting ready to attack whoever thought it'd be a good idea to jump you.

"Y/N? Are you awake?" A voice calls and you quickly release your hold on the weapon as you sit up with a yawn. 

"Peter." You greeted the brunette with a small smile. You could tell he was tired, even in the darkness of the night, everything about him screamed tiredness--just as it was for you. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I woke you, didn't I?" Peter grumbles while falling onto your bed.

"I was up." You shrug. "What's the problem?"

"That superhero came again tonight." Peter sighs before throwing his hands in the air. "It's like he or she knows I'm in danger or something."

"Or maybe you just fail at life so much that this superhero just keeps tabs on you." You joke with a small roll of your eyes.

"You're not helping!" Peter whines. "But something seemed off today."

"Oh, do tell." You whine while laying against the pillows with your eyes slowly drooping closed.

"They seemed sluggish." Peter sighs.

"They?" You question. 

"Well, I don't know if they are a female or they." Peter mumbles.

"Fair enough." You yawn.

"But it was like they hadn't had sleep for years, yet they were still able to save me like it was any other day." Peter gushes. "How do they...Y/N?"

You had fallen asleep seconds before, cuddling with your pillows with your hair swiftly moving with the wind that came in through the window. Peter shakes his head and pulls your favorite blanket over your sleeping form before pulling his mask over his face, mumbling something about talking later before he walked over to the window.

Peter stops and looks back at you before looking at the ground. "I know you're going to make fun of me for this, but I think I'm falling in love with SP/N. I just I could know them, you know? Or maybe they are feeling the same way because of know this would be easier if you were awake!"

You just mumbled in your sleep before turning over, Peter smiles while shaking his head before climbing out of your window. Only to lean in a few seconds later. "You know, Y/N. You shouldn't keep your window open, it's dangerous."

**Time Skip brought to you by you going to Comicon and meeting the Avengers Infinity Wars can dream**

Peter was off tonight, like horribly off. Instead of worrying about the people and the task at hand, he tried to have a conversation with you: 'Trying to get to know you better.'

With all the distractions, you now had to worry about saving almost everyone and Peter obviously wasn't going to be any help. You shake your head as you usher a young woman away from the area, telling her to take cover in one of the tiny shops.

Peter suddenly appears next to you for the hundredth time.

"Hey, SP/N. I was thinking, after this, of course, I don't know...if you'd want to...hang out?" Peter stutters, hanging upside down in front of your masked face.

"Look 'Spiderman', you seem like a nice guy and all but...can we not talk about this in the middle-"

You're cut off by a beam shooting at you, pushing you to hit the brick wall behind where you and Peter had been talking. You groan and shake your head as Peter rushes to your side to help you stand, all the while apologizing a million miles a minute.

"Spiderman! Stop!" You shriek. "We can figure everything out later, alright? Can we just-"

Yet again, a beam hit you right in the heart. Quickly your body separates and you end up teleporting back to your room, falling onto your bed in a heap.

"Well, shit." You whisper, almost completely out of breath.


"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" Peter screams while jumping through your window, causing you to jump up from your 'regeneration process' as you had called it, others preferred a nap.

"What? Who's dying?" You breathe while jumping from your bed, only to stumble and fall into Peter's arms.

"SP/N! They're gone! It's my fault!" Peter cries while leading you both to your bed, he quickly pulls off his mask to reveal his tear streaked face. 

"Oh, Pete." You whisper while ruffling his hair. "I don't think SP/N is dead-"

"They got shot with a beam, Y/N!" Peter interrupts. "A beam!"

"A bean?" You raise your eyebrows while holding up your fingers. "Like beans in chili? Beans this big?"

"No! A beam, like lasers!" Peter whines. "And now they're dead, all I wanted to do was-"

"Okay, Peter. Calm down." You interrupt with a sigh. 

"Why?" Peter screams.

"Because...they aren't dead." You shrug.

"How do you know??" Peter demands. You hang your head and grab the remote by your bedside table, you hit the button and your closet door slides away to reveal your suit...or SP/N suit. "What"?

"You aren't the only one who works with Stark."


Will do part 2 if requested

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