Chapter IV

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Chapter 4

Sitting in the kitchen's counter and eating a cookie while I log in to TheSlashTheSlash is an App made by my school Lakewood high. It's really popular, and every kid who goes to that school has it and use it. In TheSlash, you can Tweet, text, post, video chat, group chat, and read latest news about the happenings in the school, such as the holidays, classes being canceled, gossips etc. Even teachers have it. Its just like any other social media, but for the school only. No any outsider can sign-up for TheSlash. Its pretty cool if you ask me.

My username is Anna Matthew.

"Hey Anna, the driver is already waiting, you should go get ready" Drew tells me as soon as he saw me while entering the kitchen.

"Thanks" I thanked as I pushed myself off the kitchen counter. He gave me a thumbs up which I returned with a smile.

I head to the front door as soon as I was out of the kitchen. Yeah,  am not 'getting ready'. Am okay with what am wearing now.

I spot the car with the driver out standing next to it. As I neared it the driver opened the door for me.

"The mall" I ordered as he starts the engine. I quickly texted my best friend before logging out.

Be there shortly. -me

Its been three days now since the Olivers are staying at the palace. Nothing exciting. But today something really big happened in the morning. Drama.

I happened to know the real reason why the Olivers came to the palace from Canada, through a little scene they've created in the morning. The three of them fought. Mr and Mrs Oliver are a team while Beck is on his own, well not exactly on his own because Grandpa is supporting Beck with my parents. While all the while Me, Brandon and Emma watch the scene unfold. So, the real reason why the Olivers came here is because, one, they want to meet us, and two, they were having problems with their son, Beck, at Canada. As the way his father was saying is that "Beck has become a pain in the neck. Always causing trouble for us and we are tired of living with him..." I know, who says that to their son?. I still don't know what those 'problems' are, but grandpa, the queen and king knows. I tried to ask, it didn't go well. So again, why they are here? Is because Beck told them he was tired of living with them. I mean, as the person causing the 'problems' he's not the one who gets to say that line. Seriously.

So anyway, Beck said that and BAM! they are here!. Surprisingly the queen agreed he could stay with us for as long as he wants even after hearing that he is trouble. While he is staying here his parents can go back to Canada to live happily with their other child, talk about selfish!.

All this Drama happened in a day. this very morning when we all finished breakfast, and after that now the palace is eerily quiet. Its like everyone is afraid to say a word without causing another drama. Mr and Mrs Oliver are heading back to Canada tonight as they have already talked with my parents about everything, and everything is settled.

I though that my way of escaping that place is to hangout with best friend Kat in our favorite cafe in a mall.

Back to the present, we pulled at a parking lot and I put on my huge sun glasses that covers half of my face. The last thing I need right now is this place to be crowded with people trying to catch a glimpse of the princess.

Have I told you how exactly famous I am? I am so famous, that its kinda scary. Everyone knows me as the first born of the royal family, and there are many events that I got my head in several newspapers... Urgh princess!

I hate that tittle all my life. In my own definition, Princess means weak, innocent, naive, fragile and stupid enough to make idiotic decisions like to marry a prince and be the next queen!

So back to the present. Again. I entered the cafe, slowing down to look for a red velvet haired girl. Something caught my attention and I saw it was her, she's sitting at a table in a corner, wearing a cloth of makeup with super red lips. A top and skinny jeans, with a light pink leather jacket, that's where I rolled my eyes.

Pink freak!

I dropped at the table making her head snapped towards me. Her pretty face broke into a wide grin of recognition.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Kat, Kat Bonnet. My best friend since middle school. She is obsessed with fashion and pink. And we go to the same school together. Speaking of which, we go to Lakewood High. Only rich parents get to send their kids there. The fees were extreme. And every kid who goes to that school means their parents are loaded. In that school if you wanna be popular, then your parents got to be richer and famous. You could already guessed, but yes, I am very popular and so is my best friend here Kat. Kat's Dad is a really famous doctor, very rich, and everyone adores him. While her mom is a super model, still got the looks and owns one of the famous salons in the world.

I groaned making Kat frowned "you have no idea what's going on in my life right now" I said as I push my hair to cover some part of my face when I saw some people giving me weird glances wondering why am wearing sunglasses in a cafe that happens to be in a busy mall.

"Well I would have an idea if you could give as much as a text these last few weeks, I've been waiting for your reply and you're not answering any of my phone calls. What is wrong with you? Is it your mom again?" Kat asked concerned and in anger at the same time.

Just one thing for you to know, Kat hates, and I mean really hates my mom. But real talk, who wouldn't?

"Yes and no. See I may or may have not provoked my mom these last two weeks, which made her to take away my phone, just got it back yesterday night" I said watching closely as Kats' face twitched, "but there's more" I added.

She nodded for me to go on.

I told her the whole Olivers thing while she listens without interruptions.

"So you're saying that this your cousin is super good looking___" she started before I cut her off.

"And he has dimples" she rolled her eyes.

"You think he is a badass, his parents going back to Canada leaving him behind, and he is currently living in the palace as we speak?" She asked.

I nodded.

"And am only hearing this now!" She threw her hands up the air.

I shrugged "I already told you that my phone was taken away"

"Well I'll soon start getting daily updates from you since school resumes tomorrow!" She exclaimed happily while I process what she just said.

Oh crap! Tomorrow is Monday, I completely forgot about that.

"You forgot about everything important, Belle" Kat says flatly. "Now come on, I came here for two things. First, to talk. And now..." she rises from her seat and grips my wrist pulling me up from my comfortable sitting posture, "let's go shop!" She beamed dragging me with her, and this could only mean one thing...

We could be here for hours!

Anna Matthew:

I will never go shopping with Kat Bonnet ever again!

Feeling: exhausted 😫

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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