viii. Meetings

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"Excellent, Miss Rose," commented Haynes, who was taking notes as Annie repeated several of her (slightly) edited lines to the four, "Perfect. Thank you. We'd like to bring in Arthur and Karen now, if that's okay."

Annie's eyes widened, giving a small nod. This was her forth session of individual coaching before Season 5: The Big Bang  had a read through on the 13th of January. It was now 2010, and just a few days beforehand, she had gotten the phone call that meant she had gotten the part of...herself.

The big doors opened, revealing Arthur Darvill and Karen Gillan. Their appearance almost made Annie want to scream, cry, and run away at once, but she held it in with great difficulty. The way that their eyes bore no recognition meant true; it wasn't Amy, nor Rory. Annie was beginning to think that she'd be stuck in the Third Universe forever.

"Is this her?" Arthur asked Moffat, who nodded proudly. Annie's blue eyes grew guarded as they approached.

"Hi," said Karen, a smile on her face, "You're Annabelle Rose, right? Is there anything you'd like us to call you, besides, well, Annabelle, I mean?"

Annie remained silent for a moment, then started, "Well, apparently, people like to call me Elle," she looked up at the red-haired Scottish woman, frowning, "But as strange as it may sound, Annie's fine."

Karen laughed slightly, "I see what you mean there. People call me Kaz, or Amy, even. It's a little funny when you go out and people say, 'You're Amy Pond!'"

Annie shrugged, disappointed that they didn't catch her double meaning. Arthur had turned to Moffat, who was answering a question, "Elle's first appearance is the end of The Big Bang, but she's going to be included heavily in the Christmas Special..."

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