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Mateus circled Johan who was keeping a close eye on his every move. My brother was already half way through a shift, small flames trailing behind him with each step that he made. Johan shifted his body to the side slightly, watching him.

Everyone stood on the sidelines waiting for either one to make the first move. I was pacing back and forth, my nerves getting the best of me. I didn't want this to happen and I didn't understand why it was even happening. There was no reason for them to do this and yet they insisted upon fighting, Mateus for my honor and Johan as reparation for what he had done to me.

"This is stupid!" I called out to them.

"You know they're not going to listen to you." Nicholai laughed from besides me. The twins had taken up their post beside Kyri, Rana and Imani. While Anubis and Damien sat on the sideline both shifted watching with rapt attention.

"Why not?" I whined.

"They both feel like they have something to prove. Mateus wants to show your mate that he's the big brother and that Johan can't do anything to you without facing some sort of repercussions. And I'm guessing that Johan wants more than anything to prove to you how sorry he really is by taking this beating from your brother." Nicky explained.

"Taking a beating?" I turned towards my best friend with an eyebrow raised. "Johan can certainly can hold his own against any shifter and even gods."

"Someone seems confident in his mate." Nicky teased.

"Of course I'm confident in my mate. I more than know what he's capable of." I practically growled. My dragon was pacing inside me, wanting out. He was antsy and I could only assume that it was because of the impending fight.

"Alright, calm down. I'm sorry I even mentioned it." He laughed, holding up his hands.

I had to admit that my heart had been in my toes most of the morning ever since Matty announced that he was completely serious about teaching my mate a lesson. I protested, yelling curses at my own brother and mate before the tears began to flow freely. Both ignored my tears as I finally slowed it down to a mere sniffle.

The first blow was thrown by Matty and easily blocked by Johan. My brother was usually a better fighter than that but I fear he had been blinded by his emotion. It was endearing to know how concerned he was for me.

"I think we can call it a day!" I shouted out hoping that they would agree.

"No." Matues growled, his eyes flashing.

"But you both are great fighters this could go on for forever." I reasoned but got nothing but a growl in return.

"You know that's not going to work." Nicky laughed.

"I had to try." I groaned as my stomach rumbled. "I'm hungry Johan!"


"Lousy mate." I pouted.

"Come on. Let's get you something to eat." Nicky laughed. He turned to Damien who, he told me, had been rooting for Mateus to bite Johan the entire time and let him know where we were headed. The twins and Imani stood beside Damien watching the entire thing not really rooting for one or the other, simply commenting every so often on something.

"Boys we're leaving to get something to eat." I called out to them, earning a bunch of grunts from them. I shook my head in annoyance as I walked ahead to the kitchen with Nicky following behind.

"It'll be alright Andrej. They won't kill each other." Nicky chuckled.

"I know that but I can't help but worry." I sighed. "My dragon has been on edge since the second day at Freyja's."

Otherworldly Warrior [Book 6]Where stories live. Discover now