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Turning around I wasn't shocked to come face to face with an annoyed Anubis. Sure Kyri was his mate but I thought he would be happy to reunite him with his father who he had never met. With a huff I tried to look past him at Kyri but he was relentless in staring me down following my every move with one of his own.

"Anubis, cut it out." I hissed aware that Brandr was listening in. Turning around to him I flashed him my best reassuring smile before turning back around to glare at my best friend. His arms were crossed over his chest as his glare rivaled my own.

"No. We did not discuss this. You don't even know if Kyri is okay with this. We don't know this man, we don't know if he can be trusted." He snarled as his eyes darted over my shoulder at the man that could clearly hear every word of this conversation.

"Well if he was a possible enemy then I doubt that Hel would have allowed us to come here to speak to him. Something tells me that she knew this was going to happen." I replied calmly. I knew that he was just being protective over his mate and I got that. 

"Why don't we let Kyri decide what he wants to do." Johan spoke up from besides me before Anubis could say anything else.

Aren and Aesir stood there confused as to what was happening as Anubis sighed loudly before stepping aside enough for me to see Kyri. He peeked up at me from around Anubis' shoulder, his mismatched eyes wide with worry.

"What do you think Kyri?" I questioned softly.

"Will...Will he take me away from you guys? I don't wanna leave you." He whimpered. It was cute that he was worried about staying with us. He didn't need to worry though. He was family now and we could let family be taken away from us.

"I would never allow that to happen." Anubis growled. "He has no claim to you. You're an adult and you can do whatever you want."

"So do you want to meet him?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I kind of want to meet him. He's my only family." He whispered as he tugged on Anubis' shirt until he turned to look over at him. 

"Alright but if he tries to take you I reserve the right to fight him." Anubis growled earning a snicker from Kyri and I.

Turning around I faced Brandr who was staring at us in confusion and frustration. Looking at him the resemblance between the two was actually quite obvious. The bright green eyes that Brandr was sporting were a dead give away but even his facial features were mirrored in Kyri.

"Brandr, through some fate we have managed to come across a young man living in the forests of Nifflheim and we became more than friends. He is our family now and if you should do anything to harm him or take him away from us you will be held accountable for your actions." I warned him.

"Why do I care about some traveling companion of yours?" The man growled out oblivious to what I was trying to tell him.

"Because that traveling companion of ours is your son." I snapped. "You're so dense."

"Where is he?" Brandr's whole demeanor changed in an instant. He looked more docile, his fierce green eyes softened as he looked at us with nothing but hope. 

"Um...Hello." Kyri's soft voice sounded from behind us. I moved to the side and motioned for Anubis to do the same so that Brandr could see his son. Nooby crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me as if we hadn't just agreed to this.

"Anubis..." I hissed.

"What?" He snapped.

"Oh my Zeus." I groaned in annoyance before motioning for Johan to handle this situation. With a sigh of his own my mate calmly moved closer to the god and quickly shoved him to the ground before Anubis could react. With a laugh I darted past the two of them wrestling on the ground and grabbed Kyri and pushed him in front of me.

Otherworldly Warrior [Book 6]Where stories live. Discover now