9. Saviour

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The cold night air blew onto her cheeks, making them rosier than ever, while the cool air pinched at her nose. The walk over was longer than expected, hens all the times Lydia tried to sneakily run away, failing miserably obviously.

Here they were, standing outside the oh so decorated door of Erica Reyes, a bit too pink for both their liking.

As for her, she was contemplating all the possible things that could end badly on the other side of that coloured door.

What if Allison drinks too much!

What if she ditches me?

Is Scott even here?!

Are there even adult supervisors behind that door?

Maybe I should just shut up.

She didn't even notice that the door was wide open, an overly excited Erica standing in the doorway.

"Lyds!, Allison! So good to see you two" Erica pulled them both into an awfully awkward hug, Allison's face under her armpit while Lydia standing right in her face, her breath hinting of all sorts of alcohol, maybe a bit too much alcohol.

Her nose scrunched in at the smell. Erica let them both go, with Lydia combing her fingers through her hair, easing down all the crazy wisps.

"Lets party!" Erica yelled down the corridor, cheers filled the air with people coming around and ushering Erica back into the party.

Here we go...


"Scott!, Scott!, Scott!, Scott!" Everyone hollered from the balcony outside, girls screaming and guys whistling, the chants growing louder as Lydia made her way out to the loud noises.

Issac's arms were bound around his right leg, holding him as high as he could for support. On the other leg was Liam Dunbar, a sophomore at Beacin Hills High, who held him up with ease and watched him completely hammer the booze.
Last but not least was Stiles Stilinski, cheering on with the crowd while he watched the stopwatch in his hands.

Lydia moved closer in the crowd, mumbling apologies to the students she passed, a bit too close to them for her liking.

"Three! Two! One!" The crowd of hormonal teenagers shouted, downing a cup of vodka in victory. The boys helped Scott back down from the keg he was currently fonding over.

A keg stand, typical Scott. Lydia thought to herself.

She made her way up to the overly happy Scott, snaking her arms around his waist.

He looked down and noticed the bright painted nails on his waist, he soon spun around and grinned at her from ear to ear.

"Lydia baby! You made it" Scott cheered wrapping his arm around her, pulling her in for a side hug.
She smiled sweetly, Scott understood her like nobody else did, his overprotective-brother side coming out every time she was in his presence.

He kissed the top of her head before untangling himself from her grip, she sighed a little from the cold air that hit her like a pokéball, but smiled at his friendly gesture.
"Now if you're here, my smokin' hot girlfriend must be too" Scott finished, tippie toeing over the large crowd that filled the balcony.
Lydia laughed at his movements,
"She's over there" Lydia pointed out into the house, where a happy Allison was found drinking with some girls on the volleyball team.
"Ahh you're a lifesaver Lyds!" Scott thanked her quickly, mumbling a quick 'love you' to Lydia before disappearing into the crowd.

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