Gift giving and bedroom arrangements

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*Steve started a chat*
*Steve added Nancy, Jonathan, Mike, Eleven, Will, Henry, Dustin, Lucas, Jim, Joyce, Alexis*
That's right, Lexi is staying

Steve: chILDREN
Steve: and Jim and Joyce
Nancy: what's up?
Steve: so as you all know it's my birthday soon and Cal is out of town
Steve: y'all know what that means
Alexis: a party?
Henry: gotta ask my dad
Henry: who am I kidding
Henry: he won't even know I'm gone
Henry: IM IN
Will: you truly don't have a life, do you?
Henry: nope, do you?
Will: ...
Will: no
Will: I'm in too
Mike: when is it?
Steve: Thursday, 8 pm
Nancy: yeah bc mom would let us out
Jim: I'll talk to Karen.
Jim: also I'm in
Jim: wether El is or not
Eleven: thanks, dad
Eleven: I'm in btw
Mike: well same here, then
Dustin: we're in
Lucas: speak for yourself
Lucas: I'm in tho
Alexis: in
Nancy: obviously I'm in
Joyce: well if my sons are going I might as well
Jonathan: I'll ask Mark to take my shift, he owes me one
Steve: GOOD
Jonathan: what gifts do you want tho?
Steve: oh man, I hadn't thought of that
Nancy: you idiot
Jim: Karen's okay with it as long as I make sure you all sleep there
Mike: sounds good to me
Jim: I'm taking Eleven home, young man
Eleven: pleeeaaaasse?
Jim: don't do it
Eleven: I'll do it
Jim: don't do the puppy eyes
Eleven: I'm gonna do it
Jim: damn it
Jim: fine
Jim: but you're sharing a room with Alexis, Henry, and Will
Joyce: Jonathan, Steve, Nancy, Dustin, and Lucas can take Steve's room
Joyce: Mike and co. can take Cal's
Jim: we'll take the couches
Steve: okay
Nancy: deal
Jim: then it's settled
Jim: now I have to get back to work
*Jim kicked all*
*Jim left the chat*

I've updated four things today????? I'm on a roll???????? Tf?????????????

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