Labs and illnesses

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*Will started a chat*
*Will added Mike*

Will: how is she?
Mike: stable, for now
Will: what happened?
Mike: side effect from her powers. It's slowly killing her
Will: fuck
Mike: yup
Will: where is she?
Mike: we're all still at the lab, they're doing everything they can to stop the earthquakes and make her better
Will: any progress?
Mike: I timed it, if they made any progress there won't be an earthquake in 10 seconds
Will: fuck, I felt it
Mike: yeah
Mike: I gotta go
Will: why?
Mike: my eyes hurt
Will: it's okay to cry
Mike: I know
*Mike left the chat*
*Will added Lucas, Dustin*
Lucas: oh man
Dustin: shit shit shit shit
Will: yup
Lucas: that's it, I'm gonna fake an illness so I won't have to go to school tomorrow and we can visit her and Mike
Dustin: tell me which illness so I can say I got it from you
Lucas: simple flu
Dustin: copy
Will: Hop has already called school to tell them Mike and I are both sick
Will: and told them El's in hospital
Dustin: do we tell Henry and Lexi?
Will: no, it feels like we need the old party
Lucas: I agree, they don't know El like we do
Dustin: then it's settled
Will: Hop just called mom, they're gonna be at the lab all night and we can visit after 7 am
Dustin: your place at 7 am?
Will: deal
Lucas: agreed
Dustin: bye guys
Will: bye
Lucas: bye
*Will kicked all*
*Will left the chat*

It's midnight, let me sleep. I've been running on an hour of sleep per night and a lot of pain meds the past couple of days. This'll have to do until tomorrow.

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