Chapter 7

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AN: If you haven't already, please go back to chapter 6. I have edited it a little after coming up with a better idea. Thanks! Also please tell me how I'm doing! This is really my first book on wattpad, and , though this is only a rough draft, I want to know what you guys think. Thanks again and please keep reading! :)

Hiccup: Toothless!"

Toothless growled at Maleficent as she dropped Hiccup. "Tell that thing to go away or I will-"

"Toothless, ATTACK!" Hiccup yelled.

Toothless spit a fireball at Maleficent, but she put up some sort of force field just in time. It bounced right off it, but Maleficent looked tired. She grunted as she pushed the force field toward the dragon and tried to push him off the edge.

"Again, Toothless!"

The dragon looked more than happy to. He spat again. This time the force field flickered and dissolved. Maleficent had to take a step back. Then, with a chant, she forced some wind to blow Toothless off the tower.


Maleficent regained her balance and picked up Hiccup by the shirt, this time using her own two arms. "I'll give you one last chance, boy!" She said, heavily breathin. "What is. Your. Answer!?"

Hiccup smiled, "To stay..and fight." He pushed his feet into her gut and fell as she dropped him. Toothless reappeared at the window and blew the tower's walls away. Maleficent fell and dissapeared in some smoke.

Hiccup: "Come on, bud." He said as Toothless tried to get him out of the chains. Hiccup got out his knife and tried to cut it, but before he knew it, Toothless had just knocked down the wall. The metal was still around his wrists and ankles, but he wasn't attatched to the wall anymore.

Hiccup hopped on Toothless, "Let's get out of here!" They flew off to try to find the others.


Rapunzel had found a secret staircase hidden among the mountains. Probably so the henchmen could get back to Maleficent's castle in good time. All three were walking along in the darkness. They heard a thud behind them. Turning, they saw a group of about 50 henchmen behind them, running at them with sharpened weapons.

Jack: "Run!"

Merida shot some arrows, but had only one left in no time. She put it in her bow.

Jack: "No! Save it, you may need it later!"

Merida didn't shoot. Instead she put the arrow back in her quiver.

Jack turned around, jumped up in the air, and shot ice all over the ground behind them. He laughed as the henchmen tried to run on the ice, but slipped and toppled over one another.

Merida: "Keep going!"

Rapunzel was in front, running ahead of the other two.

Once they got ahead a little, they saw a rope bridge in front of them, a henchman was at the other end. He grinned as he cut it.

Rapunzel thought fast, quickly throwing her hair up over a post sticking out of the wall. "Grab on!" She told Merida.

Merida grabbed Rapunzel's waist at the last second as Rapunzel jumped. They swung across, Jack flying right behind. Merida lifted her feet and knocked the henchman in the head. When he fell over, the three looked behind them to see a few henchmen trying to figure out how to get across.

Merida: "Aww, wee lambs." She smirked and kept running.

It looked as though they'd reach the end of the tunnel when suddenly all of the torches on the walls went out. They were in complete darkness.

AN: Sorry, another note. Jack is carrying the sword this whole time. Alright? Alright.

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