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Preeti's Pov

I am truly clueless as what I was doing with him at that time,I kissed him,I still don't know how I gave it up to him at that second.

I can't deny the fact that I still love him and I can't mask my feelings any more because I know the truth behind his denial.Yet I am not fully satisfied with his words I know still there is something which he is hiding from me.

I creeped under duvet and slept for a long time,more than two hours to ease my pondering brain.It worked I felt somewhat relieved and saw three to four missed calls from mom.I bite my tongue,it is mom again.

"Hello"I looked at my phone with a sulky face.What should I say to her now?

"Mom!"I greeted her a bit sadly.

I am living here alone in a flat away from my parents and brother.I feel it's perfect chance for me to explore my life.

Basically I wanted to live alone to prove how strong I am to world.

"What happened dear?I was waiting for your call Preeti,What happened darling?Why are you so sad?"That's my mom,a single glance,a single word is enough for my mom to predict my feelings,my thoughts.

"Nothing Mom,I was busy with my work,What else?How are you all?When will you come here?Waiting for you."I lied as I don't want her to get worried about some unnecessary,useless stuff.

"Oh really?!"She said in her own pleasing tone trying to cheer up me,my sullen face
Such a sweetheart,I am lucky to have her.

"What about dad?How is he?Still worried about me?Busy in finding groom for me?"I still couldn't stop laughing at the thought.

Is it ever possible for him to find a groom for me who can suit my craziness.If I was same old Preethi It would have a very simple thing for him but now its just a Herculean task.

"Shut up!"Mom pretended to be angry

"Angry with me."I laughed.

"Ha ha!"She laughed with me,she can't stay angry with me for long time.

"Na!How could be I?I can't be angry with my doll but I am very sad to see your dad worried about you all the time"She sighed and continued.

"Please,Just think about your marriage once dear.You are happy and satisfied with the way your life is going right?Then what are you waiting for?"She questioned me in a serious tone.

"I am happy and satisfied with my life?you too agreed that"I said very gently.

"But you need someone who will stay with you in thick and thin.You need someone to hold your hand firmly just to make you feel happy by his simple smile.You won't know how it feels when some stands besides you and pats your back at your bad times.We all love you but there is someone who loves you more than himself,You need to find that guy"Her words are as sweet as her.

"Really?"I twisted my lips in diapproval thank god she can't see my face.If yes she would kill me for mocking her words.It's not like that I am feeling that her words are wrong but am I that much lucky?!

"Yes!"She said stubbornly.

"Am I that much lucky?"I asked her again.

"Yes,You are"She believes my luck more than my words.

"Haven't you see what had happened that day Mom?He knows me from my childhood,He knows what I am but he left me brutally on mandap like I was an alien.So please Mom!Don't force me to get married to a random heartless guy,Can you assure me that he won't leave my hand in future?"I sighed,stood up walked towards hall from my bedroom.

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