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Varun's POV

I am waiting for DG sir outside his cabin.

"Varun"He lifted his head and smiled at me.

"So we did it" He smiled again.

"It's impossible without your support Sir" I smiled standing infront of him.

"Sit" He gestured me to sit.

I sat a bit hestitantly.

"Now it's Mr.Brijesh's turn"He laughed.

"Sir!"I asked knitting my eyebrows.

"Brijesh too wants to flew away to abroad and you know what I mean" He sighed.

His words reminded my conversation with him three months ago.He never discloses things straightly.He has a habit of posing riddles.Sometimes they are too tough to answer.

Our telephone conversation at that time of my injury


"You found him?"He asked me curiously

"Yes!"I answered and I know what he is going to say.

"Then leave him Varun"He ordered.

"But why sir,I almost lost my life.I lied on bed for two days without conscious" I yelled in agony.

"We have no choice Varun" He felt helpless.

"Please Tell me sir,is that he,Mr.Mehra behind this?"I asked him.

"You need not to know that,Do what I say?"He shouted.

I remained calm.

"Kill him"He shocked me with his words.

"Sir?"I asked trying to calm myself.

"Yes,It's tough for us because of his dad's influence.Sometimes we need to adopt a different way"He explained me everything.


I shook my head and looked at him.

"He will go to airport tomorrow and he will meet an accident in the mid way."He smiled.

"Sir!"I sprung up from chair.

"You know one thing I found a vacant bed in this hospital"He smiled.

"Sir"I heaved a sigh.

"Don't worry Varun" He stood up and patted my shoulder.

"Thank you sir"I saluted him and left his cabin.

I now know what should I do?

Next day..

I am waiting for him at a bus shelter in the mid way to the airport.

I asked few of our men to stop his car.

It's easy to stop his car as he is no more a minister,he won't have any convoy with him now.

"Sir"One of the constable stopped his car shouting at him.

His car halted quickly trying to escape an accident.He can't afford another crime, committing a crime means dragging attention from public which he earned a lot in these day.

"Sir,please get down"He begged.

"What?!"He opened the door slightly and looked at him with a sullen face.

"Sir,there is a bomb in your car" He said panting and puffing.

"What?!"Mr.Brihesh looked at the constable with a blank face.

"Yes sir!" Constable nodded his head fervently.

"Who are you?How do you know?!"Brijesh asked him trying to wipe those sweat beads formed on his forehead with his hand kerchief.

"Sir,IG sir sent me to you.It's a plan by ACP Sir" He looked at my Vehicle.

I simply drove away without a word trying to create a doubt in his mind.

"Sir,ACP Sir is waiting for you to see you burning alive.Go away from here,Please." Constable is shouting at him,I know he frightened Brijesh to death.

I couldn't stop a smile trying to escape my lips.

It's really fun to listen their words through  the walkie talkie.Constable is holding a walkie talkie in his hand.

"What?!How can I trust you?"Brijesh is so stringent to listen his words.

"I met Rajesh sir several times and I was the one who supplied mobile phone to sir at the time of his custody.Please ask you P.A. once sir.My name is Narayana" Constabel said in a genuine tone looking at his P.A.

I am watching them from far away.

I saw Brijesh looking at his P.A.I think our plan is working.We threatened his P.A and now he will say what we asked him to say.

He took a second and nodded "Yes."

Oooh!He did half the work.I sighed.

"Thank you"Brijesh nodded and hugged that Constable.

"You will surely get what you deserve" He said patting Constable's shoulder.

"How much time is remaining?!" He started talking hefty steps almost running away from the car dragging the constable grabbing his sleeve.

"Thirty more minutes." Constable informed him.

"Thirty minutes more" He shouted at the driver.

"Take this car from here.Leave this car at the city out skirts"Brijesh shouted at his car driver.

Driver simply nodded and got into the car.

"Be quick "He warned him

"Yes sir" Car driver left and his P.A too accompanied him leaving Brijesh alone.

Mr.Brijesh is standing on road all alone devoid of power,money and men.

I got down from my vehicle and walked to him calmly checking my Pistol.

I went to him and  stood infornt of him.

His eyes got widened in shock.

He looked at me and constable one after the other in shock

I smiled at him and hit him hard on his nape with my pistol in the blink of an eye.

He fell on the floor instantly and I smirked at the Constable.

He nodded at me.

He then took him,Mr.Brijesh to an asylum,from now he is Mr.Prasad,who lost his son in front of his eyes and got mentally disturbed.


A head line was published on the next day

"Ex Minister Mr.Brijesh Mehra was burnt alive in car in a mishap while his P.A and Driver were narrowly escaped with superficial burns"

"Mr.Brijesh Mehra lost his life and was burnt alive when his car hit an electric pole.It happened when his car driver and his P.A. were pushing the car while  Ex.Minister occupied the driver seat.He lost control over the steering and hit an electric pole on the road side.Sadly his driver and P.A couldn't rescue him."

I read aloud with a smug smile..

It's over guys.

And Varun's proposal will be in Epilogue.

Promise you a bigger Epilogue.

Please tell me how is the chap.

How is the story

Thank you

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