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I told you that I am not in a mood  to write anything.Yes I still don't want to write anything but I thought about finishing this draft and finish this book first. Hardly ten to fifteen more chapters left.If I plan for long chaps it will take less number of chaps to finish this.So please bear with patience.I will try to finish this first.

Varun's Pov

"Good morning"I woke up my princess with a small peck on her forehead.She slept a bit lately as she got somework.She was working on her laptop all the time and was having long conversations with her collegues upto 1'0 clock in the night.She looks really stressed and I can see how stressfull her job is?!But what I did?!. Nothing except staring at her all the time.

"Sorry!?"She stared at me in confusion.

"What?"I felt weird about her behaviour.

"Am I late again?"She scowled at herself.

"Don't worry I made breakfast for us and you were working all the time,you slept late.Love you"I smiled patting her shoulder and placed a peck on her lips.She smiled nervously as she is new to my pecks.I was very rude towards her all the time but now It feels really different for me.

She blushed at my act and gestured me to move with wide eyes.She looked so cute and her pink lips are inviting me to capture them.I am gawking at her like a love sick puppy.Where have my senses gone at that time,When she was truly and madly in love with me.What if I would've dealt the issue more sensibly?,I shook my thought smiling at her sweetly.

She stood on knees took two steps and bumped into me brushing her lips to my neck.I couldn't help but chuckled at her action.She is so addictive and and she is waking up the hidden side of me by her touch,by igniting my desires.I want her in my arms and love her all my life.I want to pamper her with my words,want to feel every inch of her body.

I took my eyes away from her when she sniffed her nose sneezing almost on my face.Oh my god!This girl knows how to drive me insane.

"Sorry!"She cooled cutely still staying in my arms clinging my neck.Have I ever imagined that a day would come as such?I am holding Preeti in my arms protectively and We both are in her flat,in her bedroom on her bed.I smirked smugly.

"I need to go"She pointed at the washroom and gulped.

"Go"I leaned a bit and whispered in her ear huskily a bit seductively.

She lowered her head out of embarrassment and her cheeks turned into the colour of red tomatoes.  

She stumbled while getting out from bed and just ran away from there pinching my waist.

"Oye!"I yelled at her and she smiled mockily.

"You are so naughty"I mouthed at her.

She smirked at me.

I am waiting for her in hall afyer ordering food from outside as I am not in a mood to prepare food.

"Getting late"I shouted.

"Please,just a second"She shouted back,Crazy girl.

"Preeti"I heard a very familiar voice and surprised to see My BFF Anurag standing there at the entrance.

I didn't speak anything because I know I will
mess up the issue when I open my mouth.I simply stared at him without any emotions.He is also stubborn like me,he too masked his face with and its unreadable.

"Hey!What made you shut your mouth?"Preeti came smiling checking her long Kurthi and dupatta.I looked at her expression and a chuckle escaped from my lips but in the very next second I felt really embarassed and bad to see her in tears.

If it was my best friend Anurag it wouldn't have taken a second to convince him but now.I kept quiet for sometime.He walked in placed both his hands in pockets stood there composing his gaze on floor.

"Ahhh.!Preeti don't worry I won't interfere in your life anymore.I won't"He said pursing his lips raising his hands in air and looked at me threw a cold stare.

"I am sorry.I didn't mean those words"I mumbled looking away.

"I am not bothered about your words and I am talking to my sister"His words are truly hurting me a lot.

"Sorry"Preeti mouthed at me and looked at her brother with pleading eyes.

"I informed dad about your aff....sorry decision he will talk to you in the evening."He stood there tapping his leg impatiently.

"Okay"Preeti swallowed a sob and nodded.

"But can I ask you something?"She sighed and rubbed her teary eyes.

"Hu..."He nodded pursing his lips and glancing at Preeti.

"Don't you love me?I took a decision against your wish and will.Does it means ain't am your sister or I don't love you?"This time she is not crying.I felt relieved for a while.I sighed and looked at him eagerly.

"Why are you taking unnecessary things Preeti ?Did I say that I don't love you or I don't love you my sister?"He questioned me looking into my eyes.

"Thats great"Preeti chuckled.

"It's not like that,Preeti"He sighed with guilt in his eyes.

"No problem bro,Its my life and my decision I can talk with Dad"She emphasised each and every word well.

"Preeti I wanted to see you and tell you the thing in person as I don't want to mess it up on phone"He said scratching his chin looking away from us.

"Preeti leave it,I know I am his problem"I mumbled.

He didn't say anything just looked at me with bug eyes and left us without a word.

"Don't worry!Everything will be fine.He is a bit angry with us but doesn't want to ignore us"I smiled at my Preeti and kissed her forehead.

"Yes,I know I can convince Dad but I...."She slumped on couch and looked at me with teary eyes.

"Hope so"I smiled and pinched her cheek.

"What?"I recieved a call from my subordinate and really surprised to listen a new  name in this case.

I took Preeti to her office and dropped there.I arranged security for her as I don't want to take any risk.

"Are you sure Bharat?"I asked him while taking the CD into my hand.

"Yes sir,Please do check the Visuals sir"He said and gave me the CD of cctv footage he collected from traffic police.

I checked it in my laptop and really surprised to see a new face in this case,Till now I thought its only Rajesh who involved in the case but I am truly wrong.I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist banging the table.

"Sir,He is leaving to abroad permanently. He has a flight in afternoon"Bharat gave me a piece information.

"This footage is enough to arrest those b*st*rds"I looked at Bharat.

"Sir,....."He stood there calmly for a while.

"You are worried about Mr.Brijesh?!"I raised my brow and looked into his eyes.

"He even threatened you while collecting those evidences"I smiled and looked at him seriously.

"Yes sir,"He nodded and looked so distrubed.

"Just arrange a media meet immediately"I smiled at him.

"Sir,?!"He looked at me puzzled.

"Just do it"I asked him to leave and I confined to my plan.I know it works.

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