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Preeti's POV

Three months later.

Many things have changed in these three months.Finally Rajesh Mehra got  arrested in front of everyone.Yet he got succeeded in getting bail.I don't know how he did it.My heart got crushed to see Arpitha's parents.They believed in Judiciary system but it failed immensely.

Mr.Brejesh Mehra bought all the media persons and  threatened those who didn't heed his words. He literally did everything,every mean act he could do to save his son.Very soon with in months his son is roaming like a Prince on the roads.

My heart clenched to hear all this.I looked at my Varun's pic sadly.He died to save the truth,to do justice for Arpitha's but what is happening. I badly wanted to do something.I want to show what Brijesh Mehra is to whole world.But how can I do that?He  knows me well,he knows who I am?!I am thinking deeply.

"Preeti"I heard mom screaming my name from the hall.

"Mom!"I rushed to the hall and saw mom looking at the TV face palming.

"Mom,What had happened?!"I shook her twice and thrice to bring her back to normal.

She turned her baffled face to me and said " Rajesh died in a car accident"

"What?!"I freaked at her confession.

"Yes,Rajesh died in a car accident,Just watch it"She dragged me two steps forward and turned my head towards TV catching my chin.

" Oh my god!"I closed my eyes and slumped there on the couch.

"Police confirmed it as an accident but few of the political leaders from ruling party are suspecting it as a murder" News reader finished the sentence and those pictures of road accident started playing on the screen.

"I am really happy,"Mom said gritting her teeth.I never saw this angle in mom till now. She seldom becomes angry.After all she is a mother and secondly a woman.A lone tear escaped from my mouth,my eyes are shedding happy tears for them and at the same time they are shedding blood on other hand for my Varun's death

"Preeti"Mom placed her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"Aren't you happy?It's justice done by god for our Arpitha"She said with startling eyes.

" Hu..."I nodded and went to my room.

Why do I feel that there lies a hand of mystery guy in this.

He is the one who saved me and What I observed is that when ever any kind of menace happens by Brijesh and co.He is a true rival of Brijesh and rescues me from him all the time.

He saved me by leaking those tape to media,He saved me when Brijesh's men attacked me with rod.He was the one who took me to hospital.He was there at the court at the time of hearing.He always wears shades and covers his face with kerchief.His eyes are covered with goggles.Why do he always reminds me my Varun.May be I am over reacting

I don't know.I saw him following me hiding all the time.He often watches me at bus stop and at office.I tried to tell about him to Anurag but something has stopped me.A small hope,a small suspension of him turning out to be Varun.

I didn't sleep all the night,all my thoughts are revolving around him,Mr.Mysterious.

I got an idea finally,Why can't I pretend that I got struck in a kind of danger.I felt as a fool to think as such.

Why can't I push myself In danger,so that  I can see him,He will definitely save me.

But should I take risk,Should I?I fell in a sort of thinking.

I went to my car and started it.

I drove a bit fast.


Guys I tried to update but couldn't due to sleep,Here is first half of the chapter and next part will be posted by tomorrow.

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