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Varun's Pov

I called for a pressmeet and have decided to tell the whole story to world before anyone interfere my work.I switched off my cell and stayed away from every sort of communicating devices.

I went to press and looked at them once.I can see their curious faces,they are ready to pose conflicting and controversial questions to me.After all what they want is attention,attention from public.Never thought Press in India would become like this one day.They are just forecasting the things which are favourable to the politicans whom they are very much intimate to.I sighed and addressed the Press.

"Why did you arrange this Meet sir?"Very first and very much anticipated question came from their mouths.

I smiled and answered them quietly.

"Well I am happy to inform you that we have successfully solved the case and here we are presenting you the main robber infront of you"I asked Bharat to produce the culprit infront of media.

"What?Is that true?"One of the journalist asked me jaw slacked.

"Didn't expect it?!"I looked at him with a serious face and soon a very mild smirk dancing on my lips.

I know few of these journalists are his friends so they are eager to extract every single information from me.

"Good morning everyone,let me explain the case first you may go for questions next."I smiled at them.They became silent for a while.

"Arpita is a normal college going girl who fell in love with Rajesh
Mehra"I was suddenly interrupted by one of those journalists.

"Let me complete,Please"I muttered and smiled a bit.

He became quiet and I continued.

"Mr.Rajesh Mehra tried to exploit Arpitha once.His behaviour shocked her and she started to feel his true colours.She was emotionally blackmailed by him all the time and She rejected him vehemently as she couldn't bear him anymore."I sighed and looked at everyone trying to read their faces and expressions.

"He tormented her both physically and mentally.She tried to approach us many times but all her attempts were made futile.She tried to gather few evidences against him and succeded in her plan too.He came to know about her activities and killed her brutally in an accident"I gave them my answers and glanced at them,their faces.

"What are the evidences Sir?"One of them asked me.

"So,He is Vallabh and He is the one who tried to kill that watchman,He is Mr.Brijesh Mehra's Watchman.(Our honourable Parliamentarian)."I smiled.

"How is he,Watchman related to the case?"Another question was raised quickly.

"He owns the car which was ceased in the hit and run case of Arpitha."I answered.

"But how can a Watchman own such a luxurious car?"another question.

"Because Rajesh Mehra brought it on his name and here we got the CCTV footage of the showroom"I showed them Sd card.

"Do you think Arpitha provoked him?Mr.Rajesh Mehra?"

"She never entertained his thoughts,the only mistake done by her is that she believed him,his fake love and please stop blaming girl's character for a brutal crime commited by a Psycho.We are here to support women and protect them but not to blame their character for every other's mistake"I spoke a but curtly yet I don't like this ideology why do people blame a girl for a Psycho's mistake.His parents should be responsible for such upbringing.

"What is your next step?"I smirked at this question.

"As you expected we are going to arrest Rajesh Mehra and will be submitted in court,Rest will be taken care by our Judiciary"I smiled at them.

"Have you got the warrent?"I know these people really curious yet someimes it irritates me a lot.

"Yes,"I nodded.

"Then what about Rajesh Mehra?Where is he now?"

"He got absconded and we are tracing him"I gave them my answers.

I came back to my cabin and saw Bharath looking at me knitting his eyebrows.

"What will happen now sir?"He looked so tensed.

"Let us see"I sat there looking at my mobile

"What a timing?"I picked my phone and as expected DIG on line.

"What do you think about yourself?I want an explanation from you?"He almost shouted.

"What did I do sir?If you are talking about Rajesh's case I got proper instructions from Commissioner sir,Sir"I said confidently.

"Don't think too smart about yourself"He is furious.I chuckled for a second.

"I am doing my duty sir and I swear no one can snatch my right from me"I said stubbornly.

"Meet me tomorrow"He cut the call and I averted my gaze towards Bharath looking at me with a pale face.

"This is much expected Bharath.I patted his shoulder.

"I didn't expect this"He muttered and I smiled at his reaction.

"Its not the fault of system,law,courts and judiciary.You know where the problem lies,it lies with in us, people,our cult ideology.And these officers are no exception.So don't get shocked"I smiled a bit.

"But sir!"He shook his head and looked at me a with  blank face.

"What if he is DIG?I am doing my duty and no one can stop me from doing my duty.What if he is my superior.I believe in system though there lies some people like him."I answered him

He left my cabin with a baffled face though he seems satisfied with my answer.

I got engrossed in my work again and I got a call from my love Preeti.

I glanced at my clock and found its 6 in the evening.

I picked the call.

"Varun"Her voice is so fragile and I can sense she is crying.

"Are you okay?"I asked her quickly.

"I don't know why I feel like someone is following me"She said panting....

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