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Preeti's Pov

I felt safe and secured in his hands Now I believe that he is the one for me.I slept peacefully in his arms,his touch,his tantalising smile are the few things which gives me the reason to live.I was like this all the time,head over heels in love with him,drooling over him,his actions,fangirling him like a die hard fan.Now I have made up my mind that I have to forgive him because my words,me myself  are partially responsible for his deeds.

I am sitting in his chamber.He called an artist to draw the picture of suspect,I am helping as much as I can,I want to finish the task as soon as possible.I have an important meeting with client.I got permission from my head for half a day and Varun promised me that he will drop me to my office by himself in the afternoon.

"Finished"He looked at me with a surprice on his face.

"Yes"I nodded looking at the pic in the hands of the artist.

"Great"He smirked at me smiling widely winking.

He took that paper into his hand and observing his features with a hawk eye.A true police officer.

"We need to check those Police records if we could find any clue about him."He said without averting his gaze from picture which he is holding firmly.

"Oh!"I tiptoed and looking at the picture peeping through his shoulder squeezing his hand tightly.What to do he is almost 6 and I am just 5'3 1/2.I know I am very short compared to him hence manages my height with the help of heels.Sorry!I can't do anything.I am helpless.

"Take it"He gave the picture to me chuckling a bit.I kept a sad face pouting and took it into my hands.

"Is that okay?"He asked me rubbing his forehead sniffing his nose.

"Are you okay?"I placed my hand on his cheek and his skin is a bit hot.

"You feel feverish"I looked at him worried.

"I will be okay,I caught cold and haven't slept for more than a two to three days"He answered reluctantly.

I searched my bag and could find a tablet.I gave him the water bottle which I am carrying with me and placed the tablet in his hand with a fake grin.

He looked at me and sighed but I didn't back off I too looked at him slumping my shoulders keeping the same pale face like him.I know he found its not a good idea to bicker at me.He ate the tablet very calmly like very obedient boyfriend.I smiled and chuckled at his action and couldn't believe Mr.Monster is ready to abide all the laws laid by Ms.Smart Preeti in our love book.I shrugged my shoulders and patted his cheek appreciating his obedience.He broke out into a huge laughter which made me blush.

"Sir,"we heard someone calling him in a hurry and we broke our eye lock.

"What?"His voice became damn authoritative and humble.

"We gathered an evidence in arpitha's case sir"He smiled at Varun proudly.

"Really?"Varun walked to him and asked looking at him with smug in his eyes.

"Yes sir"He stiffened at his question and nodded like a police.

"What is it?"Varun looked at him with suspicion and he answer stammering a bit.

"Arpitha's friend"I felt a lump in my throat.Who is that friend which I doesn't know.I know all of her friends as she has very few of them.I gulped and looked at Varun as I am eager to see his reaction.

"Wonderfull"Did he say it out of sarcasm.I couldn't read his expression through his face or through his voice.He truly knows how to resist his feeling,expressions.

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