Chapter 4 (Clarke pov)

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"Clarke, the commanders here. She's hurt. Abby left and she needs your help,"  Monty says out of breath.

I set down the graphite pencil I was using to draw a picture of the glowing forest. The first thought that went through my head was, I haven't even gotten to tell her how badly her betrayal had hurt. Which I immediately felt guilty for even thinking that.

Monty stands at the door to my room.  I walk quickly past him. As I get to the gates, I see Lexa laying hunched over on her horse. She looks extremely put together for someone who is bleeding--from like three different places. Everyone is standing around staring at her.

"It's ok, people, get back to work.  There is nothing to see," Cane yells in an attempt to deescalate the situation. 

"Lexa, what happened to you?  And why are you here?  Is something wrong?"  I question.

"Thieves. Nothing I couldn't handle," Lexa attempts to reassure me.

"Where is your guard detail?" I question.

"I left them behind. We have business to discuss. " Lexa answers.

"I wish you would have had someone with you," I say without realizing what I'm saying. Why do I  care about Lexa's well being she left me.

"I am fine," she says in a second attempt to reassure me. 

"Come on, let me take care of you before you bleed out," I advise.

I put Lexa's right arm over my shoulder so she wouldn't put pressure on her right leg. Help her off her horse, which Lincon takes away. Lucky for me, Jackson didn't go with Abby. He has a thing about Mount Weather. I ask him to go ahead of me and get a bed ready to put Lexa on. He doesn't look too happy about it, but he does what I ask.

The only other person in the infirmary was Octavia for some reason. When she saw me come in with Lexa she didn't have that look of pure hatred that everyone else had and that she normally has. Instead of hate, she worried about her eyes. I set Lexa down on the nearest bed. She tries to hide it, but I see her grit her teeth when her thigh touches the bed.

I examine her forearm, the cut is deep. I clean the dried blood then I turn to Octavia and say, "Can you get me some of that wire behind you, please."

She brings it over quickly.  I thread it through a stitching needle. I quietly and quickly start stitching up Lexa's arm. Octavia stays by my side the whole time. "O, could you find me part of a shirt or some kind of cloth?" I ask.

Octavia nods her head and turns around to look for something I can use.  I cut the wire just as Octavia comes back with some cloth.  I wrap it slowly and softly.  I turn around to see Jackson standing there. I ask him to get me a bag of ice. He turns and hurries off. I look at her side;  it's not bad at all.  I use the rag to wipe the blood off then I put a small wrap around it. 

"The cut on your arm is deep, you should avoid using it for at least three weeks," I tell Lexa.

"I am going to need you to stand up so I can see your leg," I tell her. Lexa stands and turns around. I unwrap the piece of a shirt she had tied around her leg. That was really good of her to stop the bleeding.  Then I slowly pull back the torn part of her pants. I start wiping off the blood.  It stops flowing.  After drenching the rag in some of Monty's moonshine, I touch her leg.  She lets out a very quiet grunt.

"Sorry, I am just trying to get the blood cleaned away.  I think you broke a blood vessel. That would explain why it was bleeding so much," I explain.

"You need stitches again," I tell her.

"O, I need some more wire," I say.  Octavia comes back with a lot of wire. I thread it through the needle again.  Slowly, I start stitching her thigh.

"Jackson, right on time. Thank you for the ice," I praise him.  Jackson hands me the bag he has I stand up to hand Lexa the ice and tell her to keep it on her arm. It might help with some of the pain.  Then I turn my attention back to her leg; the blood is all gone. I just need to wrap it. Jackson hands me makeshift wraps. I wrap it really tight.

"You need to rest. And I need to know why you were on your way to Arkadia" I state. 

I help her readjust the ice so she can sit up. She stares at me as if she is pondering why she came here in the first place. 

"We need to go over the ceremonies for Skaikru's induction into my coalition" Lexa states. 

"Why couldn't we have talked about this when I got to Polis," I asked astonished that she came all this way for a chat.

"My people are going to be angry when they hear that I am going to let Skaikru become the 13th clan, you must be ready. We will need to privately go over specifics and come to terms before the ceremony commenced." 

I look over to a very uncomfortable Octavia and Jackson and nod my head towards the door so they understand it is time to leave. 

"What about my people you abandoned at Mount Weather, they won't be pleased with this deal either. You abandoned me at Mount Weather." I retort. 

Lexa's face falters.

"Clarke I am here to look out for your people, look out for you. I never meant to do this to you," she says in response.

"Clarke?" Raven comes bouncing through the med bay doors.

She looks at a battered Lexa and then at me in confusion. 

"Raven, can you come over here?" I ask.

As Raven walks over to me, her eyes dart to Lexa. Before she can say anything, I give her a let me explain look.

"Rave, I need to talk to my mom and Cane. Can you stay with Lexa?" I question. Raven nods her head yes. I see Raven sit down in a chair next to Lexa as I leave. 

Talking to Abby and Cane could have waited but hearing Lexa say that she " didn't mean to do this to me" was something I didn't even know I was waiting to hear, but once I heard it helped me let go of so much of the anger and grief I was harboring. I just had to get out of there.

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