Chapter 7 (Lexa's pov)

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"Clarke, it will take too long to walk to Polis," I say.

"Then we will take the rover," Clarke says.

"Ok," I say--not quite sure what a "rover" is.  "We are going to need help.  If they were able to attack Polis that easily, then you and I stand no chance," I tell her.

"Then I will get a group to take with us," Clarke reassures me.  I nod.  Clarke gets out of the bed.  As she leaves, she tells me to "get my armor and my sword, and go to the hanger bay."  I push myself out of bed with my good arm and clip on my shoulder armor while fastening my sword on my hip.  When I open the door Raven is standing there.   She has a backpack that I can only assume is filed with bombs and God knows what else.

"Took you long enough.  Lets go," Raven says.  Raven starts to walk away--so I follow her.   I guess Clarke asked her to come here to show me where the hanger bay is located.

When we get there, we see Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Jasper, Harper and Monty loading up what I think is the rover.  Clarke had told me about all of these people and that they were her friends.  It makes sense that she has asked them to help.

"Are you ready?" I ask.  They all nod.  Octavia and Bellamy give me lingering hard stares.   It must be a sibling thing.

"You want some help getting in?" Clarke asks.

"I am fine," I reassure her.  I watch as the others get into the rover and try to copy their moves--which is a little hard because I have to use my bad arm to pull myself up.  I sit right next to Clarke and across from Bellamy.  We have to squeeze in so tightly that my legs and Clarke's legs are touching.

We drive through all of the people just going about their daily lives and they remind me of my own people back in Polis.

When we get passed the gate, waiting right outside is Lincoln riding Octavia's horse, Helios.

"Stop!" Octavia yells at Raven.  Raven stomps her foot on the brakes, and we all jerk forward. Octavia jumps out of the rover and runs over to Lincoln.  He grabs her hand and pulls her up in front of him.

"Try to keep up" Octavia yells at Raven.  They share a smirk.  I don't think that's a good thing because Raven is crazy enough without being provoked.

The ride is really bumpy but quiet, for most of the time, until Jasper hooks up something called an "iPod" to the rover and loud music starts playing.  Jasper starts singing--loudly!  Then slowly, everyone starts to join him.  I will never understand why Ski kru does things like this--there is nothing to celebrate.

To be honest, I don't think I ever will understand why they do a lot of things.  I keep sharing awkward looks with everyone and I can tell they all hate my guts--probably  because most of them were in Mount Weather when I abandoned Ski kru there.  It is clear that they only came for Clarke,  but I am still happy to have their help and their weapons.

When we get to the "No Weapons Beyond this Point"  sign, we get out of the rover.

"We can keep our weapons," I tell them.

"Good, because I am not putting my gun down," states Bellamy.

As we walk up to Polis, I almost fall to my knees.  Everywhere I look, shops are on fire.  People lay dead in the streets.  I should have been here to stop this.  Clarke looks over at me, "Lexa, hey,"  she says.  I don't hear her words.  All I see is her lips moving.  She spins me to face her, then all of a sudden its like the world pressed PLAY.

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