Chapter 5 (Lexa pov)

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 "Hello, Commander," Raven hisses.

"Hello, Raven," I respond.

She looks very surprised that I know her name. "Why did you come here?" she asks.

"I have important business to discuss with Clarke" I answer.

"Yeah, I know about the alliance" she replies. 

"Well then you know why I'm here"

"You look like shit" Raven states with a half-cocked smirk.

"Can you take me to Clarke, we really need to talk?'' I ask Raven

"Yeah, no can do. She asked me to sit here and watch you so that's what I'm going to do"

"What if I tell you about what happened to me? Will you take me to Clarke then?" I ask raven

"Maybe depends on how good your story is" She replies.

"I was young when I first saw the men that I attacked. I was with my Seda Anya. They just started killing people. We couldn't stop them. There were so many kids and elders killed. When I became Heda I banished them, they came back so I followed through on my word. " I admitted to Raven in hopes to get out of this bed. Raven's facial expression changed from smug to something that resembled sadness. 

"That's a pretty damn good story. I would have killed them too" Raven says to me.

"So does that mean you will take me to Clarke then?" I ask.

"No," Raven says as she starts to tinker with her knee brace. 

Before I get the chance to say anything back, the door opens, and Clarke comes in. She looks from Raven to me.

"Rave, my mom needs you," Clarke tells Raven. She nods her head, gets up, and leaves the room.

Clarke comes over to me. "I will return with you to Polis, the rest of the Skaikru delegates arrive later" 

"If we are going to leave we will need to go soon," I tell her. She nods her head.

"I will go pack a bag, and get the horses ready to go I will be back soon," Clarke says while leaving the room. 

I noticed that this time she didn't leave me with a babysitter, is this improvement? It is a long ride back to Arkadia maybe she will talk to me then. I lift the ice on my arm to check the wrap which is soaked with the melted water and a little bit of blood. I get up to get a new piece of cloth to wrap my arm. Getting a wrap is easier than I thought it would be, the Adrenaline still coursing through my veins. Putting the wrap on with my left hand is challenging. I lay back on the bed and wait for Clarke's return. 

Clarke comes through the door with a pack slung over her shoulder and a hardened expression on her face. 

"The horses are ready to go" She states. 

I push myself out of the bed and walk over to Clarke. 

"Why did you leave me?" Clarke asks.

The truth I don't know. I thought it was the only way to save my people. I should have known Clarke would always find a way for her people.

"I thought that I had to, for my people," I tell her.

"But what about me," she asks me.

Clarke has no idea that I have been seeing her face when I left her at Mount Weather over and over again in my nightmares. 

"I should have never left you. You are my people. And soon your people will be my people and will be protected under my coalition." I tell her.

She readjusts her pack and starts to leave.

Something about Clarke had changed in the short time she had been gone. She was calmer less angry. 

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