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I woke up to a thunder storm; I was mad because I had to drive in the rain. I got dressed and fixed my hair; I was now downstairs putting a hat on and then my hood on. I opened the door and my brother ran from my car to me with an umbrella. I held him as we walked to the car; he opened the door for me. I had to admit he was the best person in the world. Couldnt imagine a life without him. He drove me to school.

I got out the car as the rain hit me as he laughed at me. I slowly walked inside the gate; he drove away and I felt the rain stop and someone's arm around me. I look...Hector with his umbrella.

"You look soaked" he said, I give him a look that made him laugh as we walked inside. He looked at me stomp my feet on the mat. He grabbed my arm making me stop.

He put his hands on my sweater and took it off. I looked at him as he looked as my t shirt lifted up a little. He smiled as he put it down.

"Thats only for my view" he said as I looked at him throw my sweater out, my hat was...dry. He walked me to his locker and took out another sweater. He put it over my head and then brought it down slowly. I looked around and saw Rachel looking at me, she did some hand movements that werent appropiate. Hector looked at me and he came closer bringing me closer by my pocket. I put my head on his chest since it was my only option. Hector smiled I bet, he always does when Im near him.

Oh if my brother was here, he'll start a riot and I was scared that someone will tell him. Stupid people would tell him and I'll have to deal with them.

"Sweetheart, are you cold?" he asked and I shook my head wrapping my arms around his waist. We stood like that until the bell rang, even when it did he didnt let me move.

"Im going to be late" I told him and he laughed. "Why do you care?" he said and I looked at him. "Because...I..ugh..Hector" I said and he laughed. "Carly, you are really terrible." he said looking at me.

"I know, thats why you like me so much" I told him and then I remembered something. Alex...was staring at me. Alex is my..boyfriend type person..I really dont know anymore. I looked at him and so did Hector.

"Who's that?" he asked, I sighed backing up.

"Well, he's like a boyfriend type...I guess" I said, Hector looked at him and brought me closer to him.

"I thought youre not allowed to have a boyfriend" he said, I sighed looking at Alex stare at me.

"Yeah but Alex was uh..different. My brother actually liked him." I backed up but Hector pulled me in again smiling. Now I know that this was going to be a problem.

"Hector he knows my brother. We both can get killed for this" I was scared now, I had to talk to Alex but Hector wouldnt let me. Why was he attracted to me so much? I looked at him and he smiled at me.

"Can I go?" I asked, but he shook his head. "I nees to talk to him, please. I'll do anything" I pleaded and he smiled as he let me go. I was totally regreting this, I ran after Alex.

"Alex!" I said but he kept walking. I grabbed his arm and he turned around.

"Who is that?" he asked, I looked at Hector smiling so hard.

"Thats Hector! But no it wasnt like that. He's just...attached" I explained nervously, he sighed.

"Why are you so nervous?" he asked as I looked at Hector.

"Because you cant say anything to David. He'll kill him and them hectors gang will kill me!" I said as my heart began to beat hard. " I dont want you near him then. I wont say a word." he said calmly, I sighed and pushed my hair back."Okay, whatever" I said and he kissed my cheek softly. I sighed and left, not back to Hector. I felt his gaze stab me in the back, I betrayed him even though I wasnt even his friend.

"God" I groaned as he quickly went infront of me. "What's wrong with you?" he asked, I looked at him and then at Alex.

"I cant be seen near you at all...or Alex will tell David..." I told him as he got close as I bowed my head.

"Goodbye" I said as he looked around.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight" he smiled and walked away. I was so confused why did he just say that after I told him we cant see eachother. Was a whole break up between two friends that just became friends.

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