1-Ein the omega

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    I woke up to Vlylad and Garroth knocking on my door and when I didn't open it Garroth broke it,"(Y/N)! It's the first day of school! Get up!" Vylad yelled as I threw a pillow at him.

     "I don't wanna go!" I said wining as my tailed curled around me.

      "(Y/N),if they woke me up they're waking you up." Zane said sighing as he came in my room.

      I groaned as I threw the last two pillows on my bed at Zane and Garroth, "Then out of my room! I need privacy!" I said as they walked out immediately seeing I was about to tear them to shreds.

      I sighed as I grabbed my uniform and went to the bathroom I had to myself, the boys *cough* Garroth *cough* always hog up the other bathroom so we constructed a bathroom into a part of my room I never use. All in glory!

      *Ding* "Huh?" I said as I finished putting on my shoes. I checked my phone it was Kacey using Katelyn's phone,"Really, uhhg he's cool and all but using Katelyn's phone that boy." I said smirking.

  Italics=Kacey Bold=You

   Hey (Y/N) it's Kacey I'm using Katelyn's phone she left it here before she left 😄 I was wondering if you wanted to walk to school together Katelyn as you may know left early and I kinda slept in a bit so she left me 😕 I don't really wanna go alone so I thought I'd ask you

   Hey Kacey! 😋 Yeah I'd love you walk with you to school with you though you should learn how to wake up earlier so you can catch Katelyn! 😆 I'll see you at your house in about 20 that sound good?

    Yeah! I'll see you then! I know you have to set up for a club and stuff so when we get there you can go set up 😄 Don't need to worry about me!

    Are you sure Kacey? I could tell the others I'm going to show you around they'll understand 100%!

    I'm sure! I know by the amount of emojis you haven't used you haven't ate anything so go eat! I'll talk to you later 🙂

    Okays! But I will find a way to use the amount of emojis I normally do when I eat for when I don't eat so I can fool you but I really think I need to eat some pancakes or some waffles 🥞 bye for now! 👋


    I smiled and put my phone down and went downstairs to see Ms.Ro'meave making pancakes and waffles,"Hehe! I know you too well don't I (Y/N) pancakes and waffles with bacon and eggs." She smiled and set down a plate of pancakes and waffles and bacon and eggs and uhhg I needs food!

      I nodded as Garroth laughed seeing me pray to the food in my mind. We all are and packed our stuff and out the door we went,"I'm walking with Dottie to school today so I have to wait for her at her place I'll see you guys later!" I said lying as I went to Katelyn and Kacey's house.

     I wasn't aloud to hang out with boys unless they were the Ro'meaves but I lie my way out of it saying it's a werewolf thing. Though no one knows about Kacey I still have to lie for now. As I  approached the house I saw Kacey standing in front of the house, "Hey Kacey!" I said running up to him.

     "Hi (Y/N)!" Kacey said.

Time Skip brought to you by Kai's Nyah~

    I got done setting up but now I'm being dragged to mentor a exchanged Werewolf kid by Teony. Irene this girl really just has it with dragging me today.  I kinda blurred out everything until we were supposed to introduce ourselves, "Hi, I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) Lycan." I said smiling at the Werewolf boy in front of me.

     "I'm Ein." That's all he said as he looked at me.

     I showed him everywhere around the school. Though some interruptions by me telling some werewolf's to back off of Ein. *RING* "I would love to talk to you more Ein but I gotta get to my club to settle out a few things. I'll see you around." I said slowly walking off.

    "Wait!" Ein said and ran after me and I turned around to face him.

    "Yes?" I asked Ein as he faced me.

     "I have to ask and I'm sorry if this is a waste of time but who's the alpha male and female?" Ein asked looking nervous as I chuckled.

      "This is no bother or a waste of time Ein it's very important but there isn't an alpha male yet but the alpha female is the girl your speaking to. I honestly will try to make omegas feel welcome and okay and have at the least the littlest respect given to them. Just a quick way to say it  is let you know I care for omegas so I care for you never be afraid to come to me for anything." I said walking off leaving Ein looking breathless and knowing I really do care for omegas.

     As I went home with the Ro'meave brothers I couldn't get Ein out of my head. Something about him makes me feel like I need to know him better and be his friend. I may just do that, at least we exchanged numbers. Just don't let the adults know, yeah this morning I didn't lie to the boys but I lied to the over protective lady who's like a mother to me who also sometimes spy's on my conversations around the house to make sure of things.

     Now, I need to pick a Alpha male soon, I need to ask Aaron for advise if I can't figure it out. Till then I need to become friends with Ein.

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