5-Alpha Male

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I was scared, today I decided to choose an Alpha male. I just wanted to go in a corner and cry like I use to do. Um, don't ask, anyway Dottie, Daniel, and Ryland all helped out of course. Werewolf's participating are Blaze, and I don't remember honestly. I only remember Blaze because he was the first person I ever meet here. Well that's a story for another time. Right now I feel like throwing up and crying. I can't do this! Ahhhhahahabsfhsnk! Aaron's even watching from afar! Uhhg! Help!

     "(Y/N) it's time." Mr.Gaven (idk I guessing) said as I nodded and counted down.

      "GO!" I yelled as everyone ran. It was easy but I have them do 10 laps which will take a bit.

      As I talk with Aaron between texts he said to pick to my hearts content but mine says Ein. It's always Ein but people will hate him! He's the omega and they already hate him! I think I like him but Ein will probably become the omega again."Done!" Blaze yelled as I jumped.

     I luckily texted Aaron I want to pick Ein but he's the omega in time cause I dropped my phone. "Gosh Blaze! You scared me! Wait, how many laps are the others on?" I asked as I grabbed my phone to see Aaron texted back.

    "Five maybe six, I don't know but either one. Ima wait over there." Balze said pointing to the slide Daniel made. I nodded as he headed over.

  Italics=You Bold=Aaron

    It doesn't matter if he's the omega! Remember what I was last year, yeah it doesn't matter. Pick the person you think is the best or you love. You seem to really like him so pick him. If you don't I will.

    Aaron, your right! I'll pick him when the others finish, you know your a great person! Also an amazing brother!😋😄 I'll see you later or not depends 😉 😆 Bye bro bro! 😊

     Bye sis

   I smiled as I saw everyone finished, I walked up to the stand and tapped the mic getting everyone's attention."I have chosen an Alpha male. This choice was made with the help of our last Alpha male my brother, Aaron. Now for the part you've all been waiting for is our new alpha male!" I said smiling.

     I went to the bleachers grabbing Ein's hands and dragging him to the mic,"Ein the old Omega is our new alpha!" I yelled and more like said to the mic.

     Everyone was shocked but was cheering anyway, especially Dottie, Daniel, Ryland, and Aphmau. Ein was red-ish and amazed. "(Y/N), this can't be real." Ein said to me.

     I smirked,"It is Ein, very much so." I said hugging him.

     Ein hugged back and laughed, "I'm really the new alpha male! I'm the alpha male!" Ein shouted as everyone cheered and I kissed his cheek.

    Ein turned into a blushing mess and I giggled. Today was fun, I got the person I like, no, love as my alpha male partner.

         Ein is now our Alpha Male

    Sorry it's short but I can't decide something secret and can't decide how I should write this. Well Boi!

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