2-Who's this little Meif'wa? Huh, back off Sasha and Zenix!

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    As I walked around school trying to get to the lunchroom I was getting many weird looks from many werewolf's, this is understandable. Luckily I made it though, I saw a short potato in the corner trying to figure out a place to sit and find someone she knows,"Aphmau!" I yelled running to her.

     "(Y/N)! Thank Irene someone I know is here!" Aphmau hugged me as we went to sit down.

    "I guess I can see you even more now! Haha, just not whenever your mom and Ms.Ro'meave hang out or when the boys make me come out of the house." I laughed as Aphmau then started to talk randomness and begun to eat the chips I gave her.

    "Excuse me, may I sit here?" A orange haired Meif'wa came up,'Is he one of Aph's friends or a new person just wanting to make friends or just sit down? Uhhg I don't get Meif'wa's.'

     "It's all up to Aphmau." I said continuing to eat my food.

      Aphmau nodded,"(Y/N) this is Kai, Kai this is (Y/N)!" Aphmau said.

      "Right, formal introduction in my mind though, I'm (Y/N) Lycan Alpha female of the werewolf's." I said smiling.

Kai nodded as we then began to talk. That's until my phone dinged,"Sorry guys it could be my mom and that's something big." I said taking out my phone as they nodded and continued to talk and eat.

I checked my phone and it's from Aaron!

Aaron=Italics Bold=You

Hey (Y/N), sorry if your busy but I wanted to talk to you...

Hey Aaron! 🙂I'm not busy I'm just at lunch with Aph and one of her Meif'wa friends what up?😺😄😋

It's just unpacking has been a pain and I really want to see how you and Shu are doing

😒Thats poop Aaron you never call Aph Shu unless something's up or on your mind 😑 What is happening bro bro?😕

It's still about how you two are doing but have you even picked and Alpha male yet? I mean last year on the last day you and Aph made that deal and had a fake fight and you became alpha and all but if you don't pick an alpha soon hells gonna break loose...I'm only worried

We'll Aph and I are okay still adjusting to being and not being alpha but other words good 😊 second here Aaron I'm like a mini you in strength but even a bit more stronger because I'm a Ultima werewolf I can take care of myself plus yesterday I had to throw a person out a window , err don't ask... 😶 but really I'm going to choose one eventually but I can't promise I'll love him cause honestly boys are annoying well most...😕 the bells about to ring I'll text you after school if you have the time that is but if you don't I understand 🙂

How long can you type Irene... but anyway I might have the time if I do I'll call you, I got to get back to unpacking. Love you sis

Love ya Arron! 😗

The bell rang and we said out goodbyes and went off in different directions well not me and Aph we apparently had gym together which is good! As we made it there we got the time free, coolest gym teacher ever! And for this one time we can use our phones! Though Aaron said he had to get back to unpacking I can always play games!

"Oh look here, it's Kitty and Puppy!" Mother of Irene it had to be Sasha and Zenix!

"Back off before I get my pups to help hurt ya." I growled but they knew I wouldn't do it unlike Gene did.

"Oh come on we just want a picture! So, hold, still." Zenix said through gritted teeth and Aph and I just turned around to face them about to say back off.

Then Ein walked in front of us, this is either by mistake or by purpose. "Hey Ein! You have gym too?" I said smiling glaring at Sasha and Zenix from the corner of my eye.

Ein nodded and Aph walked away and sat on the bleachers texting whoever. "Yeah I do, am I interrupting something?" Ein asked looking at a angry Zenix and Sasha.

"No they were just on there way, here come I wanna talk some more!" I said dragging Ein with me as Sasha and Zenix literally looked like they were about to kill someone.

Haha! Wow humans, well these two humans really just want to be scary, well they can't be when I can easily make them look afraid! They better try and get better at what they wanna do if they ever want to be scary again.

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