6-The Omega or Alpha, Aikshsk YES! I'm going on a date!!

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   "An omega Ein,that's a simple pick, you can't say otherwise though." I said smirking as Ein face palmed remembering the deal, I pick omega,"It's gonna be me!" I said pointing at me.
    "What!? How!?" Ein yelled asking how looking at me in shock.

    "Aaron was she omega last year, everyone hated home and liked him. It's hard to wrap your head around it but Aaron didn't mind being the omega and he didn't want anyone else to be! So I'm following my brothers footsteps on that one and not putting any other Werewolf in hateful situations. You won't be omega and alpha lien me cause you had to much of being an omega." I said smirking at Ein shook his head understanding but contemplating why I choose this and why Aaron did it.

     Mr.Gaven came in,"Times up (Y/N), who's the omega?" He asked me as I smiled.

    "Simple, same as last year but me. Think of what Aaron did last year Mr.Gavin. That's what I'm doing, following Aaron's footsteps on that choice and a few others!" I said as Mr.Gavin shook his head knowing my minds made up.

    "Very well, I'll make the announcement and explain to the confused ones. Go do whatever you do." Mr.Gaven sighed as he walked out.

    I giggled and looked at Ein,"So what you wanna do? We got the day free though we have to stay in school. That's the downside, I really wanted to go to the park." I said to Ein.

    "Umm, wait can't we ask to go or have your care taker pick us up saying my parents need me home because I have a doctors appointment and you have one too?" Ein asked.

     As I thought more I smirked,"It'd be like skipping school but if we get out of our uniforms and look like we aren't in high school it could work. My brothers on spring break so I can have him pick us up. I would be going to a school club and walking home alone or for today going to Aphmau's for a sleepover but if Aphmau knew we needed a break it'd be she'd be okay and we could have it the next day. You know we could do that." I said explaining a bit to Ein as we decided to do as so.

    Aaron came to pick us up before he went back to campus. As we got out of the car and to my staying place Aaron hugged me."Text me as much as possible and don't get in trouble!" I said to Aaron and he said the same.

I smirked as we went inside. Mrs.Ro'Meave knew we were here she just didn't mind. She knew what was happen is why. "Mrs.Ro'Meave, do you have any of Garroth's old clothes Ein could use for today?" I asked her as she came and hugged me.

"I sure do! Let me go get them, oh and (Y/N) don't worry I told the boys I picked you up because you became sick. They said they'd leave you alone, so no worries there." Mrs.Ro'Meave said and she went to a room somewhere around here.

I yelled thank you as I led Ein to my room with a new door again this year thanks to Garroth again. "Wow, you have a nice room (Y/N)." Ein said looking around as I grabbed a (F/C) thin sweater, jean shorts, and a (2/F/C) jacket from the closet.

       "Thanks Ein, I'm going to change in my bathroom. Mrs.Ro'Meave may come in and give you cloths. If you aren't comfortable changing in here while I try to look like I'm not a high schooler in my bathroom the other bathroom is through next door." I said going in and changing.

Time Skip brought to you by me 101% okay with a sequel if wanted after the book is done

     Ein and I are walking around the park. We lucky both look like we aren't in high school without our uniforms but Ein didn't need anything but a change of cloths unlike me, I need a little more makeup. I had my usual concealer and mascara, though I had to put on foundation to look a bit like a girl not in high school would, with a cakey face. But that's to me, it feels cakey but not to others. To some others it's normal though I still say it's a cakey face because of my experiences anyway we are just talking and such cause who cares.

  "Hey (Y/N) can I ask you something?" Ein asked as his face turned a little red.

    I nodded as we sat down on a bench in the park. "Doyouwanttogooutonadatewithme?" Ein said really fast.

    I looked at Ein confused, "What? Ein can you say that slower?" I asked Ein as he nodded and took a deep breath.

    "Do you want to go out on a date with me?" Ein said slower.

     It was awkward silence, I was stunned, 'WAIT! IF I DON'T SAY SOMETHING HE'LL THINK I'LL SAY NO OR SOMETHING! UHHG! (Y/N) ANSWER!' Ein had a tear slip down his cheek I saw it. "I-it's um okay if you don't, want to. You're the Alpha and I'm the Omega. They are supposed to be apart not together." Ein said through silent sobs.

     I hugged Ein as he tensed at my touch. "Ein, I'm sorry for not saying anything but I'll love to go on a date with you. Your no longer the Omega, your the Alpha as well, I'm the new Omega. Don't worry Ein." I whispered as Ein hugged me back.

      "How does this weekend sound?" Ein asked as I wiped his tears away.

       "Great, also you don't need to have this whole good boy act, I'm not a sucker for them. Or any type honestly, hehe. I just go for looks and personality, be yourself. Now be that bad boy for me. I got to go it's about my curfew. I'll see you tomorrow Ein." I said kissing his cheek and running off.

      I fell on my bed squealing and laughing and uhhg! I can't believe I got a date! "Ein, he's honestly the best guy and my first date my first crush. Uhhg, he's just amazing." I said quietly to myself hugging a wolf plush identical to Aphmau's but white tanks to Aaron. 'I love that Werewolf.' I though slowly falling asleep.

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