7- The Date

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Sorry this chappy may be a little short! Or not idk...

    I was dressed in a casual outfit a (F/B) (favorite band) T-Shirt, jeans, and converse. I was nervous but I knew I would be okay. Ein knocked on the front door as I was trying to grab my phone from Zane."You are going to be okay right? You are going to not do anything funny with that boy right?" Zane was asking me with a stern face since he had his mask of I could tell even better.

    I nodded, "Yes Zane I promise from the bottom of my heart to the top. If I break my promise you can take the limited edition Pinkie Cake I have." I told Zane with a just as stern face.

    "Good, here and if anything goes wrong text or call me or Garroth." Zane said handing me my phone.

     I nodded and hugged him goodbye, I ran down the stairs nearly falling on my face until strong arms caught me."You are to clumsy (Y/N) are you okay though?" Ein asked me as I looked up at him.

     "Yup! Also thanks Ein I would've fallen on my face and maybe crack my phone if it wasn't for you." I said smiling at Ein as I stood up straight Ein helping me.

           Time skip brought to you by Ein's fluffy tail!(Also I have never been to Olive Garden sadly and I am typing this on the family laptop not my phone)

   I was fidgeting with my tails fur when Ein and I were sitting across from me. We were at Olive Garden waiting for our food to come. Luckily we had our bread sticks to eat for now! "So (Y/N) what is up with your ears and tail?" Ein asked me breaking the awkward silence.

    'I cant tell him about our family being Werewolfs and the fact that I cant hide my ears and tail like my family without being REALLY hurt.' I thought and I smiled awkwardly. "I was born this way weirdly enough my real family aren't Werewolfs so no one knows why I am a werewolf. They still love me anyway, even though no one from my family tree is a werewolf." I said awkwardly lying the best I can but I know I'm a good lair.

    "Oh, okay. Though have you ever thought about how the end of the year is going to be? I mean it is in two days." Eim asked me.

    "Actually yes, I know whats gonna happen over the summer too. At least my parents are telling me that. Its kinda sad though what gonna happen." I said thinking about whats gonna happen this summer.

    "What? Whats so sad? Whats gonna happen? Im in my last year and you have to still go to high school next year sure thats sad but what else is sad?"  Ein asked me having a worried expression. (Lets pretend hes in his final year unless he really is and I never payed attention to it) (Edit: He's in second year I'm stupid. Let's still pretend.)

       "Ein im skipping grades and I am not going to public collage im going to be doing online collage. I will be moving in with my real parents my the beginning of next year. I also will be with my brother this summer a lot since I wont see him unless I get permission or hes on breaks. I dont know how I will see you this summer at all." I said looking down.

    Ein grabbed my hand form across the table,"Hey no worries (Y/N) we will find time but for now lets eat foods coming." Ein said looking at where the server is bringing our food from.

    I nodded as food was here...

                   Time skip brought to you by me making Ein Oc ish but thats how its gonna be

    Ein and I were walking back to the Ro'meaves house as I was a little worried. We had come up with an idea that we could move in together nearby my parents together and do online college together. Ein's parents we texted on the way out and they were okay with it but my parents havent responded to my texts yet. *BA DING* I turned on my phone to see the texts of my parents.


You=You (of course)

You-Hi mom and dad I have a question.

PA-(Y/N)! Its been awhile, go ahead and ask luckily we have time.

You-Can my boyfriend and I move in together close by our house and do online college together? We will get jobs and pay for everything ourselves and make sure we work hard.

PA-(Y/N) you do know thats a lot of money and a lot of work. Also who is this boy? Sure we said you can have friends and a boyfriend but moving in together is a lot. Is he even a werewolf?

You-Mom dad if you check my facebook which I know you do hes that werewolf boy wit the blue streak in his hair. You know him as Ein and that is who he is and hes really nice and understanding. So of course hes a werewolf and I have the money to pay for a house nearby and necessity's for about three months.

PA-Fine, but this summer we better get to meet him and you better do as promised.

You-Thanks so much! I promise we will! I'll see you as soon as posible! Love you guys!

PA-We love you too.

        I squealed as Ein hugged me,"Yes! Now tomorrow lets get to planning why dont we?" I suggested. Ein nodded as we parted ways.

                               This is now my life I guess but at least it'll be fun...

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